Every year, Tiobe announces a “Programming Language of the Year,” which is the programming language which made the biggest gains on its index for the previous twelve months. The winner for 2013 is Transact-SQL, which is something of a surprise because it doesn’t usually come to mind when people talk about trendy coding languages.
“It is a bit strange that Transact-SQL wins the award because its major application field, Microsoft’s database engine SQL Server, is losing popularity,” Tiobe noted. “The general conclusion is that Transact-SQL won because actually not much happened in 2013.”
For the January update of the Tiobe index, the top five places remained exactly the same as last month:
- C (17.871 percent market share)
- Java (16.499 percent)
- Objective-C (11.098 percent)
- C++ (7.548 percent)
- C# (5.855 percent)