NewsThe Fastest-Growing Android SDKs

The Fastest-Growing Android SDKs

Mobile app data company MightySignal has published a new report that details the fastest-growing software development kits (SDKs) in the Android ecosystem. It says these popular SDKs highlight some mobile development trends, such as a preference for SDKs with multiple functions and more data visualization.

The SDKs that showed the strongest growth last year were as follows:

  1. Google-Admob
  2. Firebase-appindexing
  3. Firebase-realtime-database
  4. Firebase-remote-config
  5. Firebase-analytics
  6. Google Analytics
  7. Firebase-auth
  8. Firebase-storage
  9. Firebase-crash-reporting
  10. Gson
  11. Facebook-android-sdk
  12. Square-picasso
  13. Bolts-Android
  14. Squareup-okhttp
  15. Firebase-cloud-messaging

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