Tiobe has published its monthly programming popularity index, and for August the big mover was Apple’s Swift. Apple introduced the language this summer, and in July it soared to 16th place on the Tiobe charge. However, for August, it dropped back down to 23rd. On the competing PyPL Index of Language Popularity, Swift fell from 10th in July to 11th in August.
The top five for both charts showed little change. On the Tiobe chart, they included C (16.401 percent) Java (14.984 percent), Objective-C (9.552 percent), C++ (4.695 percent) and Basic (3.635 percent). On the PyPL chart, the top five were Java (26.7 percent), PHP (13.2 percent), Python (10.9 percent), C# (10.2 percent) and C++ (8.4 percent).