Appcelerator and IDC have released their Q4 2013 Mobile Trends Report, which finds that the mobile development industry is becoming less enamored with HTML5. In the past, as many as 72.7 percent of mobile developers surveyed said they were interested in the Web technology, but this quarter, that number fell to 59.9 percent. “The promise of HTML5 is you write once, run everywhere and this is not happening because of the divergence of browser features,” said Appecelerator’s Michael King. “We’re going to see HTML5 relegated to just a small portion of apps,” he predicted
The report also found that the recent revelations about NSA surveillance of digital communications is having an impact on developers: 64.1 percent of developers worldwide are rethinking some key aspects of mobile development as a result. Stronger encryption, less use of public cloud computing services and more secure coding practices are all under consideration.