Google has announced two new projects aimed at engaging with the development community. First, it will work with local Google Developers Groups (GDGs) to host a series of DevFest events Sept. 13-29 and Oct. 18-Nov. 10. The events will include presenations by speakers, hackathons and code labs where developers can share their ideas. According to a company blog post, “GDGs plan to host more than 160 DevFests spread over 63 countries that are expected to reach over 30,000 developers. More than 20 countries will have their first-ever DevFest this year.”
Second, the company announced the Google Cloud Platform Developer Challenge, a contest which will run through October 22. It is offering top prizes of $20,000 for “locally relevant web applications that solve real world problems apps.” Submitted apps must be based on Google App Engine and utilize Google APIs.