Google+ has launched a new sign-on program for third-party developers. Similar to the programs already available from Twitter and Facebook, the new tools let devs add Google+ login buttons to their iOS, Android or Web apps and then to authenticate users with their Google+ credentials.
So why should developers want to use the new tool? One big bonus is a seamless experience for Web and mobile users. “A lot of times, [people] are using a web application that they love, and they don’t even realize it has an Android app,” explained Google+’s Seth Sternberg. “It’s just not obvious. So we’ve made it easy to get an app onto your phone with one tap.”
In addition, the Google+ login also makes it easier to connect with other Google APIs, which is a big plus for Android developers.
However, adding the new functionality to an app takes some time. “What we’ve seen is that most people can get a prototype up in a couple hours and get it shippable within a couple weeks,” said Google+’s David Glazer. “Then they spend more time doing interesting connections, using other information. But the basics is on the order of a couple weeks.”