The term “reactive programming” (RP) has been bandied about among Web developers for a couple of years, but now it’s gaining attention in a major way. This summer, Gartner added RP, as well as the related phrase “Event-Driven Web” to the On the Rise section of its “Hype Cycle for Application Development, 2013.”
So what is RP?
According to “The Reactive Manifesto,” reactive applications do four key things:
- “React to events: the event-driven nature enables the following qualities.”
- “React to load: focus on scalability rather than single-user performance. “
- “React to failure: build resilient systems with the ability to recover at all levels. “
- “React to users: combine the above traits for an interactive user experience. “
Netflix has already adopted the philosophy. Look for other prominent Web firms to do the same as the trend continues.
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