Dynatrace recently announced that its software intelligence platform now provides automatic code level insights into applications that rely on the Go programming language, eliminating any need to inject code into thousands of microservices or change the code of a Go application.
The move extends Dynatrace’s AI capabilities into cloud native platforms such as Cloud Foundry, Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift, enabling users to detect the root cause of any performance problems.
“Go is lightweight, suited to microservices architectures and fast becoming the most utilized programming language of the cloud,” Dynatrace senior vice president of product management Steve Tack said in a statement. “Yet most monitoring tools are blind to Go, which has left organizations having to do manual development and configuration to get any sort of insight.”
“The Dynatrace platform is built for the cloud and now automatically detects and shines a light into Go components, ensuring that Go isn’t creating an enterprise cloud blind spot,” Tack added.