A new survey published by CA Technologies finds that enterprises report greater benefits when they implement DevOps and agile software development methodologies together compared to one of the approaches alone. For example, 75 percent of enterprises using DevOps and agile reported better employee recruitment and retention, as opposed to 30 percent of those who were using only agile. Similarly, those using both approaches saw a 45 percent improvement in productivity, 29 percent improvement in customer satisfaction and 78 percent improvement in customer experience.
“Because agile and DevOps are tightly linked around delivering value to the customer faster, we often see better success when the practices are paired,” said Angela Tucci, general manager for agile management at CA. “Agile needs DevOps to achieve the software delivery speed and effectiveness needed for digital business strategies, and DevOps typically isn’t successful without agile. You can’t truly do DevOps without agile.”