Essential, the company founded by Android creator Andy Rubin, has unveiled its first smartphone, and the mobile development industry is taking notice. Called the Essential Phone, the device is made of ceramic and titanium and has an extremely small bezel. Because of that small bezel, the front-facing camera actually sits within the screen on the device, making it one of the more unusual-looking smartphones on the market. It also has a magnetic connector on the back for connecting modules, but for now the only module available is a 360-degree camera.
As far as specs go, the Essential phone runs Android 7.1.1 and features a 2.45GHz Snapdragon 835 SoC, 4GB of RAM, 128GB of storage, a 5.71-inch display (2560×1312) 8 MP front camera, dual 13MP back camera, 3040mAh battery, USB C port and a rear fingerprint reader. It does not have a headphone jack or SD card slot.
The device will retail for $699, but Essential hasn’t announced a release date. It is taking “reservations” for the phone, but is not accepting any money yet.