Google has released two bits of news about its Android mobile operating system. First, Sundar Pichai, Google’s senior vice president of Android and Chrome, tweeted that the company has reached a major milestone: 1 billion activations of Android smartphones and tablets.
Second, the company revealed the next version of Android (4.4) will be codenamed “KitKat.” In the past, Google has used other dessert-related terms for its codenames, but this is the first time it has used a specific brand of candy bar. The company blogged, “KitKat has been a favorite candy on the team for some time, so for the K release, we asked if they’d be willing to lend their iconic candy bar to its name. Be on the lookout for limited edition Android KitKat bars coming soon to a candy aisle near you. For a lucky few, your KitKat bar might contain a winning ticket for a new Nexus 7 tablet or Google Play credits.”
So far, the company has not revealed the details of more interest to the mobile development industry, such as when the release will become available and what the key features will be.