On Wednesday, Amazon is widely expected to announce that it is releasing a smartphone. In the lead-up to the big event, the company put out a press release with new statistics about the Amazon Appstore and the Kindle Fire tablet. Here are some key takeaways:
- Amazon Appstore has tripled its apps in the past year and now has 240,000. (By comparison Google Play and the Apple App Store are both over 1.2 million.)
- 65 percent of developers surveyed said their total revenue from Kindle Fire is as good or better than other mobile development platforms.
- 74 percent of developers surveyed said their average revenue per user per app from Kindle Fire is as good or better than other mobile development platforms.
- 76 percent of developers said the Kindle Fire helps them find new users.
In related news, Blackberry has signed a deal that will bring Amazon Appstore to Blackberry devices.