News9 Programming Languages Invented by Women

9 Programming Languages Invented by Women

Much is made of the current lack of female developers, and it’s easy to forget that women have played a critical role in creating some of the most foundational tools in programming. InfoWorld put together a list of nine programming languages you may not have realized were invented by women.

  1. ARC Assembly (Kathleen Booth)
  2. Address (Kateryna Yushchenko)
  3. COBOL (Grace Hopper and others)
  4. FORMAC (Jean Sammet)
  5. Logo (Cynthia Solomon and others)
  6. CLU (Barbara Liskov)
  7. Smalltalk (Adele Goldberg and others)
  8. BBC BASIC (Sophie Wilson)
  9. Coq (Christine Paulin-Mohring and others)

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