In this lengthy but light-hearted article, InfoWorld’s Peter Wayner traces nineteen “generations” of computer programmers. Beginning with the punch-card programmers of the 1960s, he traces the rise of various types of developers, documenting their programming language of choice and skillsets, as well as taking a humorous look at their favorite clothing, cars, music, etc.
For the record, his 19 generations include the following:
- Punch-card programmers
- Space Shuttle programmers
- Cray programmers
- Cobol programmers
- Basic programmers
- C programmers
- C++ programmers
- Objective-C programmers (first generation)
- Perl programmers
- PHP programmers
- Java programmers
- C# programmers
- JavaScript programmers (first generation)
- Ruby on Rails programmers
- Objective-C programmers (second generation)
- JavaScript programmers (second generation)
- Haskell programmers
- Hadoop programmers
- Node.js programmers