Microsoft & .NETVisual BasicVisualizing LINQ Sequences with GDI+

Visualizing LINQ Sequences with GDI+


It’s all rectangles. Draw a rectangle and you need a rectangle control. Draw an ellipse and you need the bounding rectangle. Drawing controls, graphics, positioning forms—these all require rectangles.

My upcoming book, LINQ Unleashed for C# from Sams, talks about Language INtegrated Query. LINQ produces sequences. I wanted to visualize those sequences for the books—I got tired of creating them by hand in MS-Paint—so I thought I’d write a utility to generate the LINQ visualizations for me. Guess what? Rectangles are needed to lay out each item in the sequence.

In this article, a general utility for laying out rectangles and sub-rectangles in a line is provided. The utility also will lay out multiple rows of rectangles and sub-rectangles. Finally, the utility is used to display the results of LINQ queries. Enjoy.

Defining the Rectangle Utility

The basic objective is to define a simple utility that will lay out rectangles and sub-rectangles. The utility includes the ability to center a rectangle; this can be used to lay out text within the rectangle.

The solution chosen is a shared class that defines a couple of functions to return a rectangle and some number and position of smaller rectangles within the outer rectangle. The solution supports inserting padding between rectangles for a uniform, evenly spaced layout. Finally, some of the methods are overloaded to support rectangles with integer coordinates and those with floating point coordinates. Listing 1 contains the solution.

Listing 1: A general rectangle utility.

Imports System.Drawing

Public Class Rectangles

   ' example: a rectangle divided four across and three down
   ' get h=2 and v = 2 the x shows the sub-rect we would get
   ' -----------------
   ' |   |   |   |   |
   ' -----------------
   ' |   | x |   |   |
   ' -----------------
   ' |   |   |   |   |
   ' -----------------

   ' Given a rectangle return a sub-rectangle based on horizontal
   ' and vertical sub-divsions
   Public Shared Function GetSubRect(ByVal x As Integer, _
      ByVal y As Integer, _
      ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, _
      ByVal horizontalSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal verticalSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfHorizontalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfVerticalSegments As Integer) As Rectangle

      Return GetSubRect(x, y, width, height, horizontalSegment, _
         verticalSegment, numberOfHorizontalSegments, _
         numberOfVerticalSegments, 0)
      End Function

   ' Given a rectangle return a sub-rectangle based on horizontal
   ' and vertical sub-divsions
   Public Shared Function GetSubRectF(ByVal x As Integer, _
      ByVal y As Integer, _
      ByVal width As Single, ByVal height As Single, _
      ByVal horizontalSegment As Single, _
      ByVal verticalSegment As Single, _
      ByVal numberOfHorizontalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfVerticalSegments As Integer) As RectangleF

      Return GetSubRect(x, y, width, height, horizontalSegment, _
         verticalSegment, numberOfHorizontalSegments, _
         numberOfVerticalSegments, 0)

   End Function

   ' Given a rectangle with padding in between
   ' return a sub-rectangle based on horizontal and vertical
   ' sub-divsions
   Public Shared Function GetSubRect(ByVal x As Integer, _
      ByVal y As Integer, _
      ByVal width As Integer, ByVal height As Integer, _
      ByVal horizontalSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal verticalSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfHorizontalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfVerticalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal padding As Integer) As Rectangle

      Dim newWidth As Integer = width / _
         numberOfHorizontalSegments - padding
      Dim newHeight As Integer = height / _
         numberOfVerticalSegments - padding

      Return New Rectangle(x + (newWidth + padding) * _
         horizontalSegment, _ y + (newHeight + padding) * 
         verticalSegment, _
         newWidth, newHeight)

   End Function

   ' Given a rectangle with padding in between
   ' return a sub-rectangle based on horizontal and vertical
   ' sub-divsions
   Public Shared Function GetSubRectF(ByVal x As Integer, 
      ByVal y As Integer, _
      ByVal width As Single, ByVal height As Single, _
      ByVal horizontalSegment As Single, _
      ByVal verticalSegment As Single, _
      ByVal numberOfHorizontalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfVerticalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal padding As Single) As RectangleF

      Dim newWidth As Single = width / _
         numberOfHorizontalSegments - padding
      Dim newHeight As Single = height / _
         numberOfVerticalSegments - padding

      Return New Rectangle(x + (newWidth + padding) * _
         horizontalSegment, y + (newHeight + padding) * _
         verticalSegment, _
         newWidth, newHeight)

   End Function

   ' Given a rectangle return a sub-rectangle based on horizontal _
   ' and vertical sub-divsions
   Public Shared Function GetSubRect(ByVal boundingRect _
      As Rectangle, _
      ByVal horizontalSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal verticalSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfHorizontalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfVerticalSegments As Integer) As Rectangle

      Return GetSubRect(boundingRect.X, boundingRect.Y, _
         boundingRect.Width, _
         boundingRect.Height, horizontalSegment, _
         verticalSegment, numberOfHorizontalSegments, _

   End Function

   ' Given a rectangle return a sub-rectangle based on horizontal
   ' and vertical sub-divsions
   Public Shared Function GetSubRectF(ByVal boundingRect _
      As RectangleF, _
      ByVal horizontalSegment As Single, _
      ByVal verticalSegment As Single, _
      ByVal numberOfHorizontalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfVerticalSegments As Integer) As RectangleF

      Return GetSubRectF(boundingRect.X, boundingRect.Y, _
         boundingRect.Width, _
         boundingRect.Height, horizontalSegment, _
         verticalSegment, numberOfHorizontalSegments, _

   End Function

   ' Given a rectangle with padding in between
   ' return a sub-rectangle based on horizontal and vertical
   ' sub-divsions
   Public Shared Function GetSubRect(ByVal boundingRect _
      As Rectangle, _
      ByVal horizontalSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal verticalSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfHorizontalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfVerticalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal padding As Integer) As Rectangle

      Return GetSubRect(boundingRect.X, boundingRect.Y, _
         boundingRect.Width, _
         boundingRect.Height, horizontalSegment, _
         verticalSegment, numberOfHorizontalSegments, _
         numberOfVerticalSegments, padding)

   End Function

   ' Given a rectangle with padding in between
   ' return a sub-rectangle based on horizontal and vertical
   ' sub-divsions
   Public Shared Function GetSubRectF(ByVal boundingRect _
      As RectangleF, _
      ByVal horizontalSegment As Single, _
      ByVal verticalSegment As Single, _
      ByVal numberOfHorizontalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal numberOfVerticalSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal padding As Single) As RectangleF

      Return GetSubRectF(boundingRect.X, boundingRect.Y, _
         boundingRect.Width, _
         boundingRect.Height, horizontalSegment, _
         verticalSegment, numberOfHorizontalSegments, _
         numberOfVerticalSegments, padding)

   End Function

   ' Given the size of something get a centered horizontally
   ' and vertically centered rectangle
   Public Shared Function CenterRect(ByVal size As SizeF, _
      ByVal boundingRectangle As Rectangle)

      Return New Rectangle(boundingRectangle.X + _
         (boundingRectangle.Width - size.Width) / 2, _
          boundingRectangle.Y + (boundingRectangle.Height - _
             size.Height) / 2, _
          boundingRectangle.Width, _

   End Function

End Class

The utility is capable of producing rectangle sub-divisions as suggested by the roughly created grid in the comment in the first part of the listing. You can specify the number of vertical and horizontal sub-rectangles, which horizontal and vertical sub-rectangle to return, and CenterRect (at the end) will return a rectangle centered vertically and horizontally within another rectangle.

The reason shared methods were used is that the Rectangles class itself stores no data; that is, it contains no fields, properties, or events. Following a general OOP rule such a class is naturally specified as a class containing all shared members.

Defining a State-Full Rectangle Manager

Next, I wanted to able to track individual rectangles, so a state-full RectangleManager was defined. This class keeps track of its horizontal and vertical sub-rectangles (with hSegments and vSegments), the desired padding between rectangles, and the original outer rectangle. This class is useful for keeping track of a specific rectangle set being used. Listing 2 contains the RectangleManager.

Listing 2: The RectangleManager is state-full—keeping track of the rectangle under management.

Imports System.Collections

Public Class RectangleManager
   'Implements IEnumerator
   ' note to self - implement IEnumerator so we can do a foreach
   ' over the segments

   Public Sub New(ByVal Rect As Rectangle, _
      ByVal hSegments As Integer, ByVal vSegments As Integer)
      Me.Rect = Rect
      Me.vSegments = vSegments
      Me.hSegments = hSegments
   End Sub

   Public Sub New(ByVal Rect As Rectangle, _
      ByVal hSegments As Integer, _
      ByVal vSegments As Integer, ByVal padding As Integer)
      Me.Rect = Rect
      Me.vSegments = vSegments
      Me.hSegments = hSegments
      Me.padding = padding
   End Sub

   Private Rect As Rectangle
   Private vSegments As Integer
   Private hSegments As Integer
   Private padding As Integer = 4

   Public Function GetSubRect(ByVal xSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal ySegment As Integer) As Rectangle
      Return Rectangles.GetSubRect(Rect, xSegment, ySegment, _
      hSegments, _
      vSegments, padding)
   End Function

   Public Function CenterRect(ByVal size As SizeF, _
      ByVal xSegment As Integer, _
      ByVal ySegment As Integer)
      Return Rectangles.CenterRect(size, GetSubRect(xSegment, _
   End Function

End Class

Visualizing a LINQ Query with the Rectangle Manager

A LINQ query returns a sequence. (Think collection!) By using ellipses, you can visualize the sequence as a linear row of circles with each circle containing the text (or a representation of the text) in the circle itself. Listing 3 shows the form for representing the sequence visually, and Listing 4 contains a concrete behavior class that contains the draw-sequence behavior. (You can look up the State Behavior Pattern on or the GoF book on Design Patterns.)

Listing 3: The Form using a state behavior pattern; the Form shows the visual representation of the LINQ query.

Public Class Form1

   Private state As MyStatePattern

   Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
   ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

      state = New DrawSequenceState(p)

   End Sub

   Private p As Pen = New Pen(Color.Red, 4)

   Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, _
      ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) _
      Handles Me.Paint

      state.Draw(e.Graphics, Font)

   End Sub

   Private Sub DrawRectanglesToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal _
      sender As System.Object, _
      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _

      state = New DrawRectState(p)

   End Sub

   Private Sub DrawEllipsesToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender _
      As System.Object, _
      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _

      state = New DrawEllipseState(p)

   End Sub

   Private Sub DrawSequenceToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender _
      As System.Object, _
      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _

      state = New DrawSequenceState(p)

   End Sub
End Class

Listing 4: The DrawSequenceState class that contains the sequence and the call using the RectangleManager to represent that sequence.

Imports System.Drawing

Public Class DrawSequenceState
   Inherits MyStatePattern

   ''' <summary>
   ''' Initializes a new instance of the DrawSequenceState class.
   ''' </summary>
   Public Sub New(ByVal pen As Pen)
   End Sub

   Public Overrides Sub Draw(ByVal Graphics As _
      System.Drawing.Graphics, _
      ByVal Font As System.Drawing.Font)
      Dim i = New Integer() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
      Graphics.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias

      Dim r As Rectangle = New Rectangle(10, 50, 200, 50)
      Graphics.DrawRectangle(MyPen, r)
      Dim result = From o In i Where o Mod 2 = 0 Select o

      Dim instance As RectangleManager = _
         New RectangleManager(r, result.Count, 1)

      For x = 0 To result.Count - 1

         Dim f As Rectangle = instance.GetSubRect(x, 0)
         Graphics.FillEllipse(Brushes.Lavender, f.X, f.Y, _
            f.Width, f.Height)
         Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, f.X, f.Y, _
            f.Width, f.Height)
         Dim t As Rectangle = instance.GetSubRect(x, 0)

         Dim s As SizeF = Graphics.MeasureString( _
            result.ElementAt(x).ToString(), Font)
         Dim textRect As Rectangle = Rectangles.CenterRect(s, t)
         Graphics.DrawString(result.ElementAt(x).ToString(), _
            Font, _
            Brushes.Blue, textRect.X, textRect.Y)

   End Sub
End Class

The LINQ query is shown in Listing 4 on the line Dim result = From o In i Where o Mod 2 = 0 Select 0. This query selects the even numbered integers as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The results of the LINQ query returning even numbers in a set of integers 0 through 8.

The base class for the state pattern MyStatePattern is shown in Listing 5.

Listing 5: The abstract base class for the state pattern.

Public MustInherit Class MyStatePattern

   Private FMyPen As Pen
   Public Property MyPen() As Pen
         Return FMyPen
      End Get
      Set(ByVal Value As Pen)
         FMyPen = Value
      End Set
   End Property

   Public Sub New(ByVal pen As Pen)
      FMyPen = pen
   End Sub

   Public MustOverride Sub Draw(ByVal Graphics As Graphics, _
      ByVal Font As Font)

End Class


Everything is Rectangles in a 2D rectilinear world. In this article, I demonstrated how you can draw specific rectangular sub-regions as rectangles or ellipses (or really as anything that is constrained by a rectangular region). That was followed by an application of this technique that visualizes LINQ queries. I hope you find the code useful.

About the Author

Paul Kimmel is the VB Today columnist for and has written several books on object-oriented programming and .NET. Check out his upcoming book LINQ Unleashed for C# due in Spring 2008. You may contact him for technology questions at

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Copyright © 2008 by Paul T. Kimmel. All Rights Reserved.

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