Make a new project. To the form set the WhatsThisHelp and WhatsThisButton to True and add a command button with the WhatsThisHelpID=1 and HelpContextID=5
Use the following information to make the menus:
Menu | Property | Value |
WhatsThis | Caption | WhatsThis |
WhatsThis | Name | mnuWhatsThis |
WhatsThis | Visible | False |
What’s This? | Caption | What’s This? |
What’s This | Name | mnuWhatsThisHelp |
Make the What’s This? menu a submenu of WhatsThis
Public ThisControl as control Private Sub mnuWhatsThisHelp_Click() ThisControl.ShowWhatsThis End Sub Private Sub Command1_MouseUp(Button As Integer,_ Shift As Integer, _X As Single, Y As Single) If Button = vbRightButton Then Set ThisControl = Command1 PopupMenu mnuWhatsThis End If Set ThisControl = Nothing End Sub