Private Declare Function _ BitBlt _ Lib "GDI32" (ByVal hDestDC As Integer, _ ByVal X As Integer, _ ByVal Y As Integer, _ ByVal nWid As Integer, _ ByVal nHt As Integer, _ ByVal hSrcDC As Integer, _ ByVal XSrc As Integer, _ ByVal YSrc As Integer, _ ByVal dwRop As Long) As Integer Private Sub Tile( picParent As PictureBox, _ picTile As PictureBox) '// This subroutine tiles a picture onto '// another picture. '// Call syntax: Tile Picture1, Picture2 '// Tile (destination), (source) Dim TileIt As Integer Const SRCCOPY = &HCC0020 Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer Dim MaximumX As Integer, MaximumY As Integer MaximumX = picParent.Width + picTile.Width MaximumY = picParent.Height + picTile.Height MaximumX = MaximumX Screen.TwipsPerPixelX MaximumY = MaximumY Screen.TwipsPerPixelY Dim TileWidth As Integer, TileHeight As Integer TileWidth = picTile.Width Screen.TwipsPerPixelX TileHeight = picTile.Height Screen.TwipsPerPixelY For Y = 0 To MaximumY Step TileHeight For X = 0 To MaximumX Step TileWidth TileIt = BitBlt(picParent.hDC, X, Y, _ TileWidth, TileHeight, _ picTile.hDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY) Next Next End Sub