Another use of Visual Basic is the Flipping Images using the Paintpicture.Used to Flip the images around the Center either for 90 180 270 degrees.Can be useful in DTP works.
PaintPicture is the most useful method of the pciturebox control which takes 10 Arguments to give various Effects to still images the Arguments are:
1) Source Picture
2) Dest X
3) Dest Y
4) Dest Width
5) Dest Height
6) Source X
7) Source Y
8) Source Width
9) Source Height
10)Operation code.
Private Sub Cmd_hflip_Click() _ picture_dest.PaintPicture _ picture_src.Picture, 0, 0, _ picture_src.ScaleWidth, _ picture_src.ScaleHeight, _ picture_src.ScaleWidth, 0, _ -picture_src.ScaleWidth, _ picture_src.ScaleHeight, &HCC0020 End Sub Private Sub Cmd_vflip_Click() _ picture_dest.PaintPicture _ picture_src.Picture, 0, 0, _ picture_src.ScaleWidth, _ picture_src.ScaleHeight, 0, _ picture_src.ScaleHeight, _ picture_src.ScaleWidth, _ -picture_src.ScaleHeight, &HCC0020 End Sub Private Sub Cmd_load_Click() On Error Resume Next CommonDialog.ShowOpen picture_src.Picture = _ LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.filename) If Err.Number = 481 Then MsgBox _ ("The File Mentioned By You Is not A image file") End Sub Private Sub Cmd_save_Click() CommonDialog1.ShowSave SavePicture picture_dest.Image, _ CommonDialog1.filename End Sub Private Sub Cmd_exit_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Rotate_Click() picture_dest.PaintPicture _ picture_src.Picture, 0, 0, _ picture_src.ScaleWidth, _ picture_src.ScaleHeight, _ picture_src.ScaleWidth, _ picture_src.ScaleHeight, _ -picture_src.ScaleWidth, _ -picture_src.ScaleHeight, &HCC0020 End Sub