Here at we maintain several glossaries. We recently add a few new terms to our Microsoft Glossary. The new terms that were just added are:
The code-name of an antivirus product being developed by Microsoft. (Named after the home town of one of the product’s developers).
The bundle of Microsoft antivirus and antispyware development lines.
A Microsoft research project investigating algorithms for detecting cloned code.
A Microsoft research project for building tools to checking things such as deadlock freedom, invariant checking, and message-understood properties in behavior properties of asynchronous, message-passing programs.
Cω (C-Omega)
An experimental programming language — actually an extension to C# — that focuses on distributed asynchronous concurrency and XML manipulation. This is a combination of research projects that were formally known as polymorphic C# and Xen (and X#).
A tool in the Microsoft research division for type-checking security protocols. In fact, the name stands for “Cryptographic Protocol Type Checker.”
Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI)
A 10-year plan to simplify management of software and hardware. It includes assemssment, configuration, monitoriing, management, and development tools. These tools will communicate their status in order improve how they operate.
Fugue (FCL)
A Microsoft research tool for helping you write better .NET code. It is a “defect detection” tool. Fugue will do things such as check for fields that shouldn’t be null, check for use of objects after they’ve been disposed, check to verify that methods are used in the proper order, and much more. Using Fugue, you record a set of rules for using a class or interface. Fugue will then verify that the rules are followed.
Codename for Team Foundation Version Control tool. This is the new version control in Visual Studio 2005.
The code-name for a capacity Planning tool being developed by Microsoft. This was originally a part of Longhorn, but is speculated to ship earlier.
Code-name for product officially known as the Microsoft Developer Network Product Feedback Center where testers can submit online bug reports and provide product suggestions via the Web.
The code-name for Windows Mobile 2005. This version is to unify the Windows CE, PocketPC, and SmartPhone platforms. This platform includes a new user interface, improved video support, better keyboard support, and more.
Code-name for a set of print document specifications along with the set of printer drivers. This is being built as a part of Longhorn. It appears that it could become a competitor to PDF and Adobe’s PostScript.
A software optimization and analysis framework that is to be the basis for all future Microsoft compiler technologies.
A feature-rich upgrade to Windows Mobile that includes features such as battery life.
A project for investigating the relationships between software Specifications, Languages, Analysis, and Model checking.
System Center
A brand name for Microsoft’s systems management products (it is no longer a ‘bundled’ product).
System Center Capacity Manager
A capacity planning tool from Microsoft due out by the end of 2005. It is designed to help companies model, deploy and manage network resources. Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) – a free server for downloading patches from Microsoft that can be used by corporations. The server will push the patches out to desktops and servers. Targeted for shipping in July of 2005.
Windows Update
A site maintained by Microsoft for patch updates. Due out by end of 2005.
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