Microsoft & .NETVisual C#Tips: ODBC & Access database

Tips: ODBC & Access database

1. MS Access drivers (upto and including Access 97) are not thread safe.

2. Always make user your DoFieldExchange order is the same as the order of fields in the DB table.  The class wizzard will occasionally change the order at you.

3. Don’t use 16-bit Ints in your database.  Only use Bytes or Longs (32-bit).  The RFX_Short function actually uses SQL_LONG in the ODBC call. Most of the time this seems to work OK, but it will fail for paramaters. Also remember VC++ 5.0 ints are 32-bits.

4. Don’t try and bind to fields you are passing in as paramaters. I.E. In the Access Query if you have a field you are compairing to a paramater, make sure the show row is not check for that column.

5. You can have Indexes with multiple fields besides the primary key to help speed up the DB, and help with Database integerity.  To do this go into design view for the table, and select View->Indexes.  at the bottom of the list enter a new index name, and then enter the names of the fields you wish to have in the index in the Field name colum in the next rows, leaveing index name cell blank

Index Name    Field Name   Sort Order
UserName      LastName     Accending
              FirstName    Accending
              MiddleInit   Accending
Index2        Field1       Accending
              Field2       Accending
Index3        Field1       Accedning
Index4        Field1       Accending

The index field properities will only appear when you are on the first row of the index.  At this point you can make the index unique if you want.  If you want the index to be unique, make sure all of the fields have at least 1 character.  If one of fields is null, than that record will not be check against the Indexes rules.  In the above example this means for anyone without a middle initail you need to make it a space.  Otherwise you could end up with two John Smith’s.  Although it would check John T Smith correctly.

6. Always make sure that there is at least one field per table that is guantereed to be unique.  If all else fails make an autoincrement field. You never know when you might need it.

7. To convert a CRecordset drived class to use a paramater query make the followning changes.

  1. In the c-tor add m_nParams = {number of paramaters}
  2. Change GetDefaultSQL to “{Call [ParamQuery] (?,?)}” you need a question mark for every paramater this example has two.
  3. In DoFieldExchange after the //}}AFX_FIELD_MAP add the following line
          Then put the RFX calls for your paramaters.
          RFX_Long(pFX, _T(“[Param]”), m_param);

8. Don’t use CTime.  To put it bluntly this class blows chuncks (IMHO). For ODBC use TIMESTAMP_STRUCT with the RFX_Date(), for DAO use COleDateTime, with DFX_DateTime().  The class wizard will always try and use CTime, you will have to change it by hand to the apporate type.  CTime is limited to 1970 – 2038, and can crash your application if you try and give it an invalid date/time.

9. Be careful when using Bytes in your DB.  Access uses the value of 255 (0xFF) as Null.  So if the field is required it cannot equal 255.

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