Application Programming Interface
b . Describes the public interface or contract of a component.
Attribute b . A characteristic or property of an element. Attributes are represented as name value pairs on an element tag.
Burst b . A process used by content management systems to map XML documents to content meta data.
Business to Business
b .
Business to business electronic commerce.
Business to Consumer
b . Business to consumer electronic commerce.
Cascading Style Sheet
b . A data format used to describe the presentation characteristics of XML and HTML documents. Cascading Stylesheets are used to separate presentation from data.
See: Stylesheet
Document b . An XML structure containing a root element and it’s subelements.
Document Object Model
b . An API which provides an object representation of an XML document. The DOM API represents an XML document as a tree of nodes. Nodes may be created, queried, updated and deleted.
See: Document, Tree, Simple API for XML (SAX)
Links: W3C Document Object Model
Document Style Semantics and Specification Language
b . Defines a standard device independent language to define the output rendition of SGML documents. It is often pronounced “Dissel”.
See: Stylesheet, Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
Document Type Definition
b . Describes the structure, content and semantics of XML documents.
See: Schema
Electronic Business with XML
b .
A modular electronic business framework which enables enterprises to meet and conduct
business through the exchange of XML-based messages.
Links: Electronic Business with XML
Element b . A component of the tree structure defined in a Document Type Definition or Schema. An element may be composed of data, attributes and other elements.
See: Attribute, Document Type Definition (DTD), Schema, Tag
eXtensible Markup Language
b . A text based markup language that is fast becoming the standard for data interchange.
The language is extensible because you are free to use any tags you wish
to describe the data. XML is a descendant of SGML.
See: Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), Tag
eXtensible Stylesheet Language
b . A standard which specifies a language for transforming XML documents into other formats (XSLT), a language for addressing elements in XML documents (XPath), and a language for converting XML documents into a format suitable for publishing (XSL:FO).
Formatting Output Specification Instance
b . A stylesheet language for rendering SGML documents.
See: Stylesheet, Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
Hypertext Markup Language
b . A text based markup language for displaying documents through a generic client viewer called a browser. Note that HTML documents are not XML documents. However, both XML and HTML are descendants of SGML.
See: Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), XHTML
Links: HTML Home Page
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
b . A stateless request / response based protocol for transmitting data between computing resources.
Links: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Overview
ID b . A special type of attribute for uniquely identifying an element.
IDREF b . A special type of attribute for creating relationships between elements.
Java API for XML based RPC
b . The core API for developing SOAP based web service clients and endpoints on the Java platform.
See: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web Services
Links: JAX-RPC Home Page
Java API for XML Messaging
b . An API for creating, sending and receiving XML messages that conform to SOAP standards by
making Java API calls.
See: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Links: JAX-M Home Page
Java API for XML Processing
b . A collection of APIs for processing XML documents from Java progams. SAX, DOM and TrAX are included within the JAXP APIs.
See: Document Object Model (DOM), Simple API for XML (SAX), Transformation API for XML (TrAX)
Links: Java API for XML Processing
Java API for XML Registries
b . A uniform and standard Java API for accessing a variety of XML service registries
such as UDDI or ebXML Registry.
See: Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), Electronic Business with XML (ebXML)
Links: JAX-R Home Page
Java Architecture for XML Bindings
b . A Java API for mapping XML structures to objects.
Links: JAX-B Home Page
JDOM b . A complete Java-based solution for accessing, manipulating and outputting XML.
JDOM provides a Java representation of an XML document and leverages the Java Collections API.
Links: JDOM Home Page
Meta Data b . Meta data is data about data or data which describes other data.
Namespace b . A feature of XML for using multiple vocabularies in a single XML document.
See: Vocabulary
Node b . An occurrence of an element in a tree structure.
Parser b . A program that reads XML data from an input source and breaks it up into elements and attributes.
See: Document Object Model (DOM), Simple API for XML (SAX), Element, Attribute
Processing Instruction b . Commands or information contained within an XML document to be used by an application that is processing the document.
Prolog b . The optional beginning portion of an XML document prior to the document’s content.
Root b . The outermost element in an XML document that contains all other elements. It is the top node in a tree structure.
Schema b . Defines the structure, content and semantics of XML documents. Schemas address deficiencies in DTDs such as specifying data types. Schemas are XML documents themselves and can be processed by a standard parser.
See: Document Type Definition (DTD)
Links: W3C XML Schema
Serialization b . The process of turning an in memory representation of an XML document or DOM into a textual format. This is
normally done through a depth first tree traversal.
See: Document Object Model (DOM), Tree
Shred b . The process of mapping the data in an XML document to table rows and columns in a relational database.
See: Burst
Simple API for XML
b . An API for parsing an XML document as a stream of events.
See: Document, Document Object Model (DOM)
Links: Official SAX Website
Simple Object Access Protocol
b .
A lightweight, XML based protocol for passing objects between components in a decentralized distributed environment.
The SOAP protocol includes an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and
how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing datatypes, and a convention for representing remote
procedure calls and responses. SOAP may use HTTP or other protocols as the transport mechanism.
See: Java API for XML Messaging (JAXM), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Web Services
Links: Simple Object Access Protocol
Standard Generalized Markup Language
b . A language for describing markup languages, particularly those used in electronic document exchange, document management, and document publishing.
Stylesheet b . A program used to render an XML document into another format.
See: Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), Formatting Output Specification Instance (FOSI), XSLT
Tag b . The markup language used to describe an XML element. An XML tag is represented by the element name enclosed by angle brackets.
See: Element
Transformation API for XML
b . An API for running XSLT transformations from Java programs.
See: Application Programming Interface (API), Java API for XML Processing (JAXP), XSLT
Links: Transformation API For XML
Tree b . A data structure consisting of nodes which may contain other nodes via its branches. Unlike a tree in nature, the root node is usually represented at the top of the structure and does not have a parent node. All other nodes have a single parent. Nodes having no child nodes are called leaf nodes. An XML document represents a tree structure.
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
b . A business registry and repository for storing information about businesses and the
electronic services they offer. UDDI creates a standard interoperable platform that enables
companies and applications to quickly, easily and dynamically find and use Web Services over the
See: Electronic Business with XML (ebXML), Java API for XML Registries (JAXR), Web Services
Links: UDDI Home Page
Vocabulary b . A “dialect” or set of XML tags used to describe a particular data structure. A vocabulary is defined using a DTD or Schema.
See: Document Type Definition (DTD), Schema
Web Services b . A service is a component performing a task, perhaps over a network. A web service can be identified by a URI. Its public interfaces and bindings are described using XML. It’s definition can be discovered by clients who can interact with the web service using it’s definition.
See: Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web Services Definition Language (WSDL)
Web Services Definition Language
b . WSDL is an XML vocabulary for describing network services as a set of endpoints operating on messages. The operations and messages are described abstractly, and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message format. Note that the acronym WSDL is commonly pronounced” WizDel”.
See: Vocabulary
Links: WSDL Spec
Well-formed b . A term used to describe an XML document that meets the basic syntax requirements of XML. Note that a well-formed document may not be a valid document according to its schema or DTD.
See: Schema, Document Type Definition (DTD)
Wireless Markup Language
b . An XML vocabulary for describing wireless documents. WML uses a deck of cards metaphor for structuring device displays. A WML XML document is commonly called a deck.
See: Vocabulary
World Wide Web Consortium
b . A standards organization which produced the standards for XML, XSL, and HTTP among many others.
Links: World Wide Web Consortium
XForms b . XForms is a platform independent markup language for data capture and validation. It improves upon HTML forms by separating presentation and content. XForms adds features such as strong typing, validation, reduced server trips, reduced need for scripting, and an XML representation of form instance data. It provides an XML friendly manner of data capture.
Links: XForms Home Page
XHTML b . An HTML document that is also a well formed XML document.
See: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
Links: HTML Home Page
XLink b . A language for specifying links between XML documents.
Links: XLink Spec
An API for accessing services over the internet through remote procedure calls. An XML-RPC
message is an HTTP post request. The request and response are encoded in XML.
Links: XML-RPC Home Page
XPath b . A language for addressing elements and asserting expressions in XML documents. It is commonly used in XSLT and DOM programming.
See: eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL), XSLT, Document Object Model (DOM)
Links: XPath Spec
XPointer b . A language for identifying fragments of documents referenced in links or included in other documents.
Links: XPointer Spec
XQuery b . A language for querying a broad spectrum of XML datasources including databases, documents and packaged applications.
Links: XQuery Spec
XSL:FO b . A language for converting XML documents into a format suitable for publishing.
See: eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
XSLT b . A language for transforming XML documents into other formats.