The struct is an aggregate type that is used to group one or more named values and treat it as a single entity. This is particularly useful for creating custom types using one or more built-in types. The values that we typically store in a slice are of the same types, but if we create a struct we can store more than one value of different types and treat it as a single entity. We can also create an array of structs to create a list of custom type entities. The article explains the use of structs in Go with coding examples.
Structs in Go
A struct is an aggregate type where we can group multiple arbitrary types of elements as a single entity. The idea is not very different (unless we use an interface{}) from the struct that we use in C/C++. Each element declared within the struct is called a field. Imagine a database record where we may want to work with an entity such as Book. The Book entity typically consists of fields such as ISBN number, title, edition, publisher, price, category, and so on. Using structs, what we can do is create a single unit such as an entity consisting of multiple fields whose types are different from one another. We can then use this single unit in a variety of ways. For example, we can create an array of this entity and store multiple Book data points or create a single instance of it, among other possibilities.
Here is how we declare a struct Book and create one or more instances of this unit.
type Book struct {
ISBN string
Title string
Edition string
Publisher string
Price float
Author string
Note that fields are typically written one per line. However we can also combine fields of the same type as follows:
type Book struct {
ISBN, Title, Edition, Publisher, Author string
Price float
To create an instance of the struct type Book we may write as follows:
var b1, b2, b3 Book
var b5 Book
We also can create a pointer and assign a struct reference or use a new() function to create a struct reference dynamically and assign the value to a pointer variable, as in this example:
var bkPtrRef *Book
bkPtrRef = &b1
//using new() function
var bkPtr *Book
bkPtr = new(Book)
The individual field in the struct can be accessed using the dot(.) operator:
b1. id = 101
Unlike C/C++ where we may use the (arrow)-> operator or dereference operator(*.) with the pointer, in Go we can simply use the dot(.) operator with a pointer to struct in much the same way we access through a struct instance.
// struct instance
var b1 Book
b1.ISBN = "8170283701"
b1.Title = "Mission to Moon"
b1.Edition = "2015"
b1.Publisher = "ABC Publisher"
b1.Price = 140.00
b1.Author = "donald"
//struct pointer
var ptr *Book = new(Book)
ptr.ISBN = "8170287723"
ptr.Title = "Mission to Mars"
ptr.Edition = "2013"
ptr.Publisher = "ABC Publisher"
ptr.Price = 160.00
ptr.Author = "mickey"
A struct example in Go
Here is a very simple example to show how we can create a singly linked list using structs. It is actually a copy of one of my C code creations and I made a few changes to make it work in Go just to see how simple it is to switch from C to Go.
package main
import (
type Node struct {
info int
next *Node
func makeNode(val int) *Node {
var p *Node
p = new(Node) = val = nil
return p
func makeList(root *Node) *Node {
var num int
var ptr *Node
ptr = nil
for {
fmt.Print("Enter a value (-999) to stop: ")
fmt.Scanf("%d", &num)
if num == -999 {
if root == nil {
root = makeNode(num)
ptr = root
} else { = makeNode(num)
ptr =
return root
func printList(p *Node) {
for ; p != nil; p = {
func main() {
var root *Node = nul
root = makeList(root)
Enter a value (-999) to stop: 11
Enter a value (-999) to stop: 22
Enter a value (-999) to stop: 33
Enter a value (-999) to stop: 44
Enter a value (-999) to stop: 55
Enter a value (-999) to stop: 66
Enter a value (-999) to stop: -999
Slice of structs
We can create a slice of structs. The following example illustrates how the items variable is declared as a slice of struct type. Notice that the struct declared here is unnamed but we can access it via the field name and not use index values as we typically do with a slice. The advantage of using a struct is that we can use different data types for the fields, which simply is not possible with a plain slice.
items := []struct {
name string
quantity int
price float64
}{{"PRT34", 5, 5.67}, {"XZE77", 6, 9.67}, {}, {"URT63", 6, 3.35}, {"LKJ98", 4, 4.36}, {"NHT45", 2, 8.25}}
for _, item := range items {
fmt.Printf("%st%dt%vn",, item.quantity, item.price)
Note that the number fields as an empty item in the slice of struct is automatically initialized with 0 values.
Embedding a slice within a struct
We have seen how to access named variables within a struct. But what if we want to put a slice inside a struct construct? Let us try an example by creating two structs as follows.
type author struct {
Firstname string
Lastname string
bio string
type Book struct {
ISBN string
Title string
Edition string
Publisher string
Authors []author
Price float64
authors := []author{{"AA", "BB", "a sample bio of AA"},
{"CC", "DD", "a sample bio of CC"},
{"EE", "FF", "a sample bio of EE"}}
b1 := Book{"12345678", "Title1", "2015", "xyz publisher", authors, 140.60}
Observe that the Authors in the Book struct is a slice of the author struct. We first create a slice of author, populate all the fields in the order and then set the Authors field with the created author slice and finally print it (as illustrated in the above code sample).
Comparing structs
One of the common needs for any type is comparability. In Go, struct is also comparable provided the fields declared inside the struct are comparable using the common comparison operator == and !=. Here is an example.
type item struct {
qty int
price float64
name string
it1 := item{5, 6.56, "aa"}
it2 := item{6, 5.56, "aa"}
it3 := item{5, 6.56, "aa"}
fmt.Println(it1 == it2) //false
fmt.Println(it1 == it3) //true
What if another struct type is embedded in a struct; does the comparison work? It still works, as in this example.
type qty struct {
val int
type price struct {
val float64
type item struct {
quantity qty
amount price
name string
var it1 item
it1.quantity.val = 10
it1.amount.val = 4.56 = "AA"
var it2 item
it2.quantity.val = 10
it2.amount.val = 5.56 = "AA"
fmt.Println(it1 == it2) //false
Anonymous fields
In Go we can declare anonymous fields inside a struct. These are no-name fields, but the type of the field must be of a named type or a pointer to a named type. Here is an example.
type item struct {
name string
it1 := item{qty{10}, price{5.56}, "AA"}
Note that anonymous fields have implicit names. We cannot declare more than one anonymous field, otherwise the implicit name would conflict.
The struct is an important type and has many interesting uses. Here we have skimmed over some of the common ways the struct can be used in Go programming. In general, it enables us to group many arbitrary types into a single entity. This single entity can then be passed to a function, stored in an array and used as a list of entities, copy them as a unit, and so on. It comes in quite handy while creating data structures like linked lists, trees, graphs, and more.