JavaThe Essence of OOP using Java, Array Objects, Part 3

The Essence of OOP using Java, Array Objects, Part 3

… in Java by Richard G Baldwin

Java Programming Notes # 1626


This series of lessons is designed to teach you about the essence of Object-Oriented
Programming (OOP) using Java.

The first lesson in the group was entitled
Essence of OOP Using Java, Objects, and Encapsulation
.  The previous
lesson was entitled
Essence of OOP using Java,  Array Objects, Part 2

You may find it useful to open another copy of this lesson in a separate
browser window.  That will make it easier for you to scroll back and
forth among the different listings while you are reading about them.

For further reading, see my extensive collection of online Java tutorials
at A consolidated
index is available at
Java Programming Tutorials


This lesson discusses various details regarding the use of array objects
in Java, including:

  • The members of an array object
  • The interfaces implemented by array objects
  • Class objects and array objects
  • The classes named Array and Arrays

and Sample Code

Members of an array object

An array object has the following members (in addition to the data
stored in the object):

  • A public final variable named length, which contains the number
    of components of the array (length may be positive or zero)
  • A public method named clone.  This method overrides the method
    of the same name in Object class.
  • Default versions of all the methods inherited from the class named Object,
    than clone, which is overridden as described above).

Implements Cloneable and Serializable

Also, every array object implements the Cloneable and Serializable
interfaces.  (Note that neither of these interfaces declares any

What is the Cloneable interface?

Here is what Sun has to say about the Cloneable interface:

“A class implements the Cloneable interface to indicate
to the Object.clone() method that it is legal for that method to
make a field-for-field copy of instances of that class.  Attempts
to clone instances that do not implement the Cloneable interface
result in the exception CloneNotSupportedException being thrown.”

Thus, the fact than an array object implements the Cloneable interface
makes it possible to clone array objects.

A cloned array is shallow

While it is possible to clone arrays, care must be exercised when cloning
multidimensional arrays.  That is because a clone of a multidimensional
array is shallow.

What does shallow mean?

Shallow means that the cloning process creates only a single new array.

Subarrays are shared between the original array and the clone.

(Although I’m not certain, I suspect that this may also
be the case for cloning array objects containing references to ordinary
objects.  I will leave that determination as an exercise for the student. 
In any event, be careful if you clone array objects.)


Serialization of an object is the process of decomposing the object
into a stream of bytes, which can later be recomposed into a copy of the
object.  Here is what Sun has to say about the Serializable

“Serializability of a class is enabled by the class implementing
the interface. Classes that do not implement
this interface will not have any of their state serialized or deserialized.

All subtypes of a serializable class are themselves serializable.

The serialization interface has no methods or fields and serves only
to identify the semantics of being serializable.”

Even though this quotation from Sun doesn’t address array objects, because
array objects implement the Serializable interface, they can be
serialized and later reconstructed.

Class objects representing array objects

An object of the class named Class can be obtained (by invoking
the getClass method of the Object class)
to represent
the class from which an ordinary object was instantiated.

The Class object is able to answer certain questions about the
class that it represents
(such as the name of the superclass), and
has other uses as well.

(One of the other uses is to specify the type as a parameter
to the methods of the Array class, which I will illustrate later
in this lesson.)

Every array also has an associated Class object.

That Class object is shared with all other arrays with the same
component type.

The superclass of an array type is Object(Think about

An array of characters is not a string

For the benefit of the C/C++ programmers in the audience, an array of
is not a String(In Java, a string is an object of the
class or the StringBuffer class).

Not terminated by null

Also, neither a String object nor an array of type char
is terminated by ‘u0000’ (the NUL character).  (This information
is provided for the benefit of C programmers who are accustomed to working
with so-called null-terminated strings.  If you’re not a C programmer,
don’t worry about this.)

A String object in Java is immutable

Once initialized, the contents of a Java String object never

On the other hand, an array of type char has mutable elements.
The String class provides a method named toCharArray, which
returns an array of characters containing the same character sequence as
a String.

StringBuffer objects

The class named
StringBuffer also provides a variety of methods
that work with arrays of characters.  The contents of a StringBuffer
object are mutable.

The Array and Arrays classes

The classes named Array and Arrays provide methods that
you can use to work with array objects.

The Array class provides static methods to dynamically create
and access Java arrays.

The Arrays class contains various methods for manipulating arrays
as sorting and searching).
It also contains a static factory method
that allows arrays to be viewed as lists.

A sample program named Array08

The sample program named Array08 (shown in Listing 12 near
the end of the lesson)
illustrates the use of some of these methods.

Will discuss in fragments

As usual, I will discuss this program in fragments.  Essentially
all of the interesting code is in the method named main, so I will
begin my discussion there.  The first few fragments will illustrate
the creation, population, and display of a one-dimensional array object
whose elements contain references to objects of type String.

The newInstance method of the Array class

The code in Listing 1 invokes the static method of the Array
class named newInstance to create the array object and to store
the object’s reference in a reference variable of type Object named

(Note that there are two overloaded versions of the newInstance
method in the Array class.  I will discuss the other one later.)

    Object v1 = Array.newInstance(
               "java.lang.String"), 3);

Listing 1

Two parameters required

This version of the newInstance method requires two parameters. 
The first parameter specifies the component type.  This must be a
reference to a Class object representing the component type of the
new array object.

The second parameter, of type int, specifies the length of the
new array object.

The Class object

The second parameter that specifies the array length is fairly obvious. 
However, you may need some help with the first parameter.  Here is
part of what Sun has to say about a Class object.

“Instances of the class Class represent classes and
interfaces in a running Java application. Every array also belongs to a
class that is reflected as a Class object that is shared by all
arrays with the same element type and number of dimensions. The primitive
Java types (boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, and double),
and the keyword void are also represented as Class objects.”

Getting a reference to a Class object

I know of three ways to get (or refer to) a Class object.

  • Class objects for primitive types
  • The getClass method
  • The forName method

Class objects for primitive types

There are nine predefined Class objects that represent the eight
primitive types and void. These are created by the Java Virtual Machine,
and have the same names as the primitive types that they represent: boolean,
and double.  You can refer to these class objects using the
following syntax: boolean.class,
etc.  I will illustrate this later in this lesson.

The getClass method

If you have a reference to a target object (ordinary object or array
you can gain access to a Class object representing
the class from which that object was instantiated by invoking the getClass
method of the Object class, on that object.  The getClass
method returns a reference of type Class that refers to a Class
object representing the class from which the target object was instantiated.

The forName method

The static forName method of the Class class accepts the
name of a class or interface as an incoming String parameter, and
returns the Class object associated with the class or interface
having the given string name.  (The forName method cannot
be used with primitive types as a parameter.)

Class object for the String class

Referring back to Listing 1, you will see that the first parameter passed
to the newInstance method was a reference to a Class object
representing the String class.  Thus, the statement in Listing
1 creates a one-dimensional array object, of component type String,
three elements in length.  The reference to the array object is saved
in the generic reference variable of type Object.

(In case you haven’t recognized it already, this is an alternative
to syntax such as new String[3].  Note that there are no square
brackets in this alternative approach.  Thus, it might be said that
this approach is more mainstream OOP than the approach that requires the
use of square brackets.)

Populate the array object

The code in Listing 2 uses two static methods of the Array
class to populate the three elements of the array object with references
to objects of type String.


    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v1); i++){
      Array.set(v1, i, "a"+i);
    }//end for loop

Listing 2

The getLength method

The getLength method is used in Listing 2 to get the length
of the array for use in the conditional expression of a for loop. 
Note that unlike the sample programs in the previous lesson (that stored
the array object’s reference as type Object),
it was not necessary
to cast the reference to type String[] in order to get the length.

The set method

The set method is used in Listing 2 to store references to String
objects in the elements of the array object.  Again, unlike the programs
in the previous lesson, it was not necessary to cast the array reference
to type String[] to access the elements.  In fact, there are
no square brackets anywhere in Listing 2.

Display the data

Listing 3 uses a similar for loop to display the contents of
the String objects whose references are stored in the elements of
the array object.


    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v1); i++){
               Array.get(v1, i) + " ");
    }//end for loop

Listing 3

No square brackets

Once again, note that no casts, and no square brackets were required. 
In fact, this approach makes it possible to deal with one-dimensional array
objects using a syntax that is completely devoid of square brackets. 
Rather than using square brackets to access array elements, this is a method-oriented
approach to the use of array objects.  This makes it possible to treat
array objects much the same as we treat ordinary objects in Java.

A two-dimensional rectangular array object

Next, I will use the methods of the Array class to create, populate,
and display a rectangular two-dimensional array object tree, whose elements
contain references to objects of the class String.

Another overloaded version of newInstance

To accomplish this, I will use the other overloaded version of the newInstance
method.  This is the version that requires a reference to an array
object of type int as the second parameter.

(Note that the Sun documentation describes two different
behaviors for this method, depending on the whether the first parameter
represents a non-array class or interface, or represents an array type. 
This sample program illustrates the first possibility.)

The second parameter

As mentioned above, the version of the newInstance method that
I am going to use requires a reference to an array object of type int
as the second parameter.

(The length of the array object of type int specifies
the number of dimensions of the multi-dimensional array object.  The
contents of the elements of the array object of type int specify
the sizes of those dimensions.)

Thus, my first task is to create and populate an array object of type

An array object of type int

Listing 4 shows the code required to create and populate the array object
of type int.  This is a one-dimensional array object having
two elements (length equals 2).  The first element is populated
with the int value 2 and the second element is populated with the
value 3.


    Object v2 = Array.newInstance(
                         int.class, 2);
    Array.setInt(v2, 0, 2);
    Array.setInt(v2, 1, 3);

Listing 4

Why do we need this array object?

When this array object is used later, in conjunction with the version
of the newInstance method that requires a reference to an array
object of type int as the second parameter, this array object will
specify an array object having two dimensions (a rectangular array).
rectangular array will have two rows and three columns.

Same newInstance method as before

(Note that Listing 4 uses the same version of the newInstance
method that was used to create the one-dimensional array object in Listing

Class object representing int

Note the syntax of the first parameter passed to the newInstance
method in Listing 4.  As mentioned earlier, this is a reference to
the predefined Class object that represents the primitive type int
This causes the component type of the array object to be type int.

The setInt method

You should also note the use of the setInt method of the Array
class to populate each of the two elements in the array in Listing 4 (with
values of 2 and 3 respectively).

The two-dimensional array object tree

Listing 5 uses the other overloaded version of the newInstance
method to create a two-dimensional array object tree, having two rows and
three columns.


    Object v3 = Array.newInstance(
       "java.lang.String"), (int[])v2);

Listing 5

A reference to the array object at the root of the tree is stored in
the reference variable of type Object named v3.  Note
that the tree is designed to store references to objects of type String.

(The number of dimensions and the size of each dimension
are specified by the reference to the array object of type int passed
as the second parameter.)

Square-bracket cast is required here

The required type of the second parameter for this version of the newInstance
method is int[].  Therefore, there was no way for me to avoid
the use of square brackets.  I could either store the reference to
the array object as type Object and cast it before passing it to
the method, (which I did), or save it originally as type int[],
I didn’t). 
Either way, I would have to know about the type int[].

Populate the leaf elements

The nested for loop in Listing 6 uses the various methods of
the Array class to populate the elements in the leaf array objects
with references to objects of the class String.


    for(int i=0;i<
      for(int j=0;j<
        Array.set(Array.get(v3,i), j, 
                    "b" + (i+1)*(j+1));
      }//end inner loop
    }//end outer loop

Listing 6

Admittedly, the code in Listing 6 is a little complex.  However,
there is really nothing new there, so I won’t discuss it further.

Display the data

Similarly, the code in Listing 7 uses the methods of the Array
class in a nested for loop to get and display the contents of the
objects whose references are stored in the elements of the leaf array objects. 
Again, there is nothing new here, so I won’t discuss this code further.


    for(int i=0;i<Array.getLength(v3);
      for(int j=0;j<Array.getLength(
            Array.get(v3,i), j) + " ");
      }//end inner loop
    }//end outer loop

Listing 7

Very few square brackets

I will point out that with the exception of the requirement to create
and pass an array object as type int[], it was possible to write
this entire example without the use of square brackets.  This further
illustrates the fact that the Array class makes it possible to create
and work with array objects in a method-oriented manner, almost
devoid of the use of square-bracket notation.

Sorting and Searching

Many college professors require their students to spend large amounts
of time reinventing algorithms for sorting and searching (and for various
collections and data structures as well).
  There was probably
a time in history when that was an appropriate use of a student’s time. 
However, in my opinion, that time has passed.

Reuse, don’t reinvent

Through a combination of the Arrays class, and the Java Collections
, most of the sorting, searching, data structures, and collection
needs that you might have are readily available without a requirement for
you to reinvent them.  (One of the most important concepts in OOP
is reuse, don’t reinvent.)

I will now illustrate sorting and searching using static methods
of the Arrays class.

(Note that the Arrays class is different from the
class discussed earlier.)

Create, populate, and display an array object

To give us something to work with, Listing 8 creates, populates, and
displays the contents of an array object.  Note that the array object
is populated with references to String objects.  There is nothing
new here, so I won’t discuss the code in Listing 8 in detail.


    Object v4 = Array.newInstance(
               "java.lang.String"), 8);
    //Populate the array object.
    // Create a gap in the data.
    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v4); i++){
      if(i<4){Array.set(v4, i, 
      else{Array.set(v4, i,
    }//end for loop
    //Display the raw data
    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v4); i++){
      System.out.print(Array.get(v4, i)
                                + " ");
    }//end for loop

Listing 8

The output

The code in Listing 8 produces the following output on the screen:

c8 c7 c6 c5 c14 c13 c12 c11

Note that the order of this data is generally descending, and there
is no string encapsulating the characters c4.

Sort and display the data

The code in Listing 9 uses the sort method of the Arrays
class to sort the array data into ascending order.


    //Display the sorted data
    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v4); i++){
               Array.get(v4, i) + " ");
    }//end for loop

Listing 9

The output

The code in Listing 9 displays the sorted contents of the array object,
producing the following output on the computer screen:

c11 c12 c13 c14 c5 c6 c7 c8

Note that the order of the data in the array object has been modified,
and the array data is now in ascending order.

(This order is based on the natural ordering of the String
data.  I discuss other ways to order sorted data in conjunction with
the Comparable and Comparator interfaces in my lessons on
the Java Collections Framework.)

Binary search

A binary search is a search algorithm that can very quickly find an
item stored in a sorted collection of items.  In this case, the collection
of items is stored in an array object, and the data is sorted in ascending

Search for an existing string

Listing 10 uses the binarySearch method of the Arrays
class to perform a search for an existing String object whose reference
is stored in the sorted array.  The code searches for the reference
to the String object encapsulating the characters c5.



Listing 10

The result of the search

The code in Listing 10 displays the numeral 4 on the screen.  When
the binarySearch method finds a match, it returns the index value
of the matching element.  If you go back and look at the sorted contents
of the array shown earlier, you will see that this is the index of the
element containing a reference to a String object that encapsulates
the characters c5.

Search for a non-existing string

The code in Listing 11 uses the binarySearch method to search
for a reference to a String object that encapsulates the characters
As I indicated earlier, a String object that encapsulates these
characters is not represented in the sorted array object.



Listing 11

The result of the search

The code in Listing 11 produces the following negative numeral on the
screen:  -5.  Here is Sun’s explanation for the value
returned by the binarySearch method:

“Returns:  index of the search key, if it is contained
in the list; otherwise, (-(insertion point) – 1). The insertion point is
defined as the point at which the key would be inserted into the list:
the index of the first element greater than the key, or list.size(), if
all elements in the list are less than the specified key. Note that this
guarantees that the return value will be >= 0 if and only if the key is

Thus, the negative return value indicates that the method didn’t find a
match.  The absolute value of the return value can be used to determine
the index of the reference to the target object if it did exist in the
sorted list.  I will leave it as an exercise for the student to interpret
Sun’s explanation beyond this simple explanation.

Other capabilities

In addition to sorting and searching, the Arrays class provides
several other methods that can be used to manipulate the contents of array
objects in Java.


This lesson is the third in a series of lessons that discuss various aspects
of array objects in Java.

An array object has the following members (in addition to the data
stored in the object):

  • A public final variable named length
  • An overridden version of the public method named clone
  • Default versions of all the other methods inherited from the class named

Every array object implements the Cloneable and Serializable

A clone of a multidimensional array is shallow.  Therefore, you
should exercise caution when cloning array objects.

Because array objects implement the Serializable interface, they
can be serialized and later reconstructed.

Every array also has an associated Class object.

The classes named Array and Arrays provide methods that
you can use to work with array objects.

The Array class provides static methods to dynamically create
and access Java array objects.

The Arrays class contains various methods for manipulating arrays
as sorting and searching).
It also contains a static factory method
that allows arrays to be viewed as lists.

Class objects are required when using the methods of the Array
class to dynamically create Java array objects.

There are nine predefined Class objects that represent the eight
primitive types and void. They are accessed using the following syntax:
boolean.class, int.class, etc.

Three ways to get a Class object are:

  • Class objects for primitive types: int.class, etc.
  • The getClass method
  • The forName method

The methods of the Array class make it possible to deal with one-dimensional
array objects using a syntax that is completely devoid of square brackets. 
This is a method-oriented approach to the use of array objects. 
This makes it possible to treat array objects much the same as we treat
ordinary objects in Java. The required syntax for multi-dimensional array
objects is mostly devoid of square brackets.

The Arrays class provides methods for sorting and searching array
objects as well as performing other operations on array objects as well.

Through a combination of the Arrays class, and the Java Collections
Framework, most of the sorting, searching, data structures, and collection
needs that you might have are readily available without a requirement for
you to reinvent them.

One of the most important concepts in OOP is reuse, don’t reinvent.

What’s Next?

The next lesson in this miniseries will explain the use of the this
and super keywords.

Complete Program Listing

A complete listing of the program is shown in Listing 12 below.


Copyright 2002, R.G.Baldwin
Rev 2/10/02

This program illustrates the use of 
static methods of the Array class to 
dynamically create and access Java

It also illustrates the use of static
methods of the Arrays class to sort
and search array objects. 

Tested using JDK 1.3 under Win 2000.
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class Array08{
  public static void main(
                        String[] args){
    //Create, populate, and display a
    // one-dimensional array object
    // whose elements contain 
    // references to objects of type 
    // String.
    //Create the array object
    Object v1 = Array.newInstance(
               "java.lang.String"), 3);
    //Populate the array object
    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v1); i++){
      Array.set(v1, i, "a"+i);
    }//end for loop
    //Display the data
    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v1); i++){
               Array.get(v1, i) + " ");
    }//end for loop
    //Create, populate, and display a
    // rectangular two-dimensional
    // array object tree whose 
    // elements contain references
    // to objects of type String.
    //First create an array object of
    // type int required as a 
    // parameter to the newInstance
    // method.  Populate it to later
    // specify a rectangular array
    // object tree with two rows and
    // three columns.
    Object v2 = Array.newInstance(
                         int.class, 2);
    Array.setInt(v2, 0, 2);
    Array.setInt(v2, 1, 3);
    //Now create the actual two-
    // dimensional array object tree.
    Object v3 = Array.newInstance(
       "java.lang.String"), (int[])v2);

    //Populate the leaf elements with
    // references to objects of type
    // String.
    for(int i=0;i<

      for(int j=0;j<
        Array.set(Array.get(v3,i), j, 
                    "b" + (i+1)*(j+1));
      }//end inner loop
    }//end outer loop
    //Display the data encapsulated
    // in the String objects.
    for(int i=0;i<Array.getLength(v3);
      for(int j=0;j<Array.getLength(
            Array.get(v3,i), j) + " ");
      }//end inner loop
    }//end outer loop
    //Now illustrate sorting and
    // searching using methods of
    // the arrays class.   

    //Create the array object
    Object v4 = Array.newInstance(
               "java.lang.String"), 8);
    //Populate the array object.
    // Create a gap in the data.
    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v4); i++){
      if(i<4){Array.set(v4, i, 
      else{Array.set(v4, i,
    }//end for loop
    //Display the raw data
    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v4); i++){
      System.out.print(Array.get(v4, i)
                                + " ");
    }//end for loop
    //Sort array data into
    // ascending order.
    //Display the sorted data
    for(int i = 0; i < 
             Array.getLength(v4); i++){
               Array.get(v4, i) + " ");
    }//end for loop
    //Search for an existing String
    //Search for a non-existing String
  }catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
  }//end main
}//end class Array08

Listing 12

Copyright 2002, Richard G. Baldwin.  Reproduction in whole or in
part in any form or medium without express written permission from Richard
Baldwin is prohibited.

About the author

Richard Baldwin
is a college professor (at Austin Community College in Austin, TX) and
private consultant whose primary focus is a combination of Java and XML.
In addition to the many platform-independent benefits of Java applications,
he believes that a combination of Java and XML will become the primary
driving force in the delivery of structured information on the Web.

Richard has participated in numerous consulting projects involving
Java, XML, or a combination of the two.  He frequently provides onsite
Java and/or XML training at the high-tech companies located in and around
Austin, Texas.  He is the author of Baldwin’s Java Programming Tutorials,
which has gained a worldwide following among experienced and aspiring Java
programmers. He has also published articles on Java Programming in Java
Pro magazine.

Richard holds an MSEE degree from Southern Methodist University and
has many years of experience in the application of computer technology
to real-world problems.



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