JavaOpen Source Article Index

Open Source Article Index


Building with Ant: Introduction

Developing Web applications using Java Servlets, JavaServer Pages, and other J2EE technologies is fun! See how to avoid many of the common growing pains of application development by using simple tools, like Ant and JUnit, and a simple directory structure.

Building with Ant: Directory Structure

Developing Web applications using Java Servlets, JavaServer Pages, and other J2EE technologies is fun! See how to avoid many of the common growing pains of application development by using simple tools, like Ant and JUnit, and a simple directory structure.

Building with Ant: Deployment and Distribution

We wrap up our lessons on working with this open-source development tool from the Jakarta Project by looking at some advanced issues — multiple deployment targets, versioning, and source distribution.


Developing Java Web Services with AXIS

Apache Axis has simplified the development of Java Web services. Its customization allows you to make your Web applications expose Web services and Web methods without much of the hassle.

Axis 2

Introducing Axis 2, the Next Generation of the Apache Web Service Stack

Axis 2 is the Apache effort to handle the numerous changes that have taken place in Web Services over the past few years. Examine Axis 2 in contrast to Axis, the rationale for Axis 2, and the future of the two projects.


An Introduction to Apache Cocoon 2.1

Discover the many advantages Cocoon has to offer over competing technologies, especially when it comes to larger applications. This is especially true for Web operations that employ multiple people for development and maintenance, and which require internalization, content aggregation, XML transformations, and multi-channeling.

Spinning Your Code with XSLT and JSF in Cocoon

Explore the combination of the XML processing language XSL with the newly released JavaServer Faces (JSF) standard API, using the Apache Cocoon framework as an enabler for both.


Meet Eclipse

If you have never ventured into Eclipse here is your chance.

The Momentum of Eclipse

The big news this week all centers around Eclipse. See who has joined its ranks as Strategic Developers/Board Members and what projects have been announced at Eclipsecon 2005.

A First Look at Eclipse Plug-In Programming

If you are a Java programmer and not using Eclipse you may be missing something. Evaluate if Eclipse can fit your needs.

SWT Programming with Eclipse

SWT is the core of the Eclipse user interface. The Eclipse platform is based on the SWT library. See here how to program with it.

Swing and SWT: A Tale of Two Java GUI Libraries

Swing or SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit). How do they compare? Which do you prefer?


Introducing HQL: The Object-Oriented Query Language from Hibernate

Extend the power of Hibernate with HQL. This query language, designed as ‘minimal object-oriented extension to SQL’, facilitates writing database-type independent queries that are converted to local SQL dialect of underlying database at runtime.

O/R Mapping with Hibernate

Hibernate, an Open Source project available for free, is a powerful, high-performance object/relational mapper for the Java environment. Hibernate helps create an efficient ‘persistence layer’ for an object-oriented application that handles storing application data to and retrieving data from a relational database. Hibernate achieves this by effectively mapping the data representation of an object to a relational database structure.


Jumping Into JBoss

JBoss is a free, open source, application server that implements the complete Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) stack, including Java Server Pages (JSP), servlets, and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). For J2EE developers that are getting started with JBoss, this article presents the basics, including downloading, installation, application deployment, and data source configuration.

Deploying Java Web Start Applications on the JBoss Application Server

This article will describe the deployment process and the subsequent automatic update of the client’s GUI with the help of the Java Web Start technology in a Windows environment. At present, Java Web Start may be used in Windows, Linux, Unix (Solaris), and not so long ago in Macintosh OS X.

Introduction to Securing Web Applications with JBoss and LDAP

Start configuring security on JBoss and implementing an LDAP-based user information repository. The sample application described here demonstrates how to implement LDAP with the JBoss Security Extension (JBossSX), and describes a simple API for managing users, roles, and groups in LDAP. In addition, this article demonstrates the use of the Abstract Factory pattern to implement pluggable persistence.


Automated Unit Testing Frameworks

Employ unit tests to get robust code quickly using JUnit.


Keel: The Meta-Framework

Learn about the concepts and components that will give you the freedom to customize a framework at any point of time to fulfill your changing application development needs. The Keel framework, based on the popular Apache Avalon project, is worth exploring.

Distributed Web-Applications using the Keel Meta-Framework

No matter how well you plan ahead of time, many times you still run out of apace. Horizontal scalability may be your answer. Deploy a load-balancing and failover cluster using the Keel meta-framework and other open source projects.

Model-Driven Development in Keel

See how Model-driven development can help ensure the consistency of your development process, boost developer efficiency, and help ensure that a specification is accurately represented by the code that implements it.


Meet Lucene

Looking for a highly scalable, fast search engine that delivers performance and is disarmingly easy to use? Lucene may be the answer to your prayers.


Using Maven for Large Projects

For those considering to take the Maven plunge, go for it. Discover what to expect here, especially in relation to Ant.

MySQL Considerations

Here is a chance to kick the tires on MySQL and see if it is the database for you.

Using JDBC with MySQL, Getting Started

Learn how to download, install, and prepare a MySQL database as a localhost server on a Windows platform for use with JDBC. You can then write JDBC programs to administer the database server and to manipulate data stored on the MySQL database server.

Binding to MySQL in Java Studio Creator

Discover how to use MySQL within Creator. Walk through the installation, adding an example database, setting up a MySQL data source, and creating a demo creator application.

Building Database-Driven Applications with PHP and MySQL

When it comes down to it, almost every dynamic Web application eventually boils down to accessing, manipulating, and presenting information. Combining your programming knowledge with database knowledge is a key to success.


Thinking In Perl

Many people do not take advantage of the power behind Perl. Most instructional Perl material only teaches enough to get an interested programmer informed enough to write shell or C programs in Perl. This new series will show you Perl’s power, style, conventions, and it’s unique constructs.

Automating Web-based Data Retrieval with Perl

Need a way to gather data without the help of Web Services? See how to automatically collect web-based data by utilizing page retrieval, authentication, and cookies using Perl.


Learning PHP

PHP has become a popular scripting language for building dynamic web pages. Elizabeth Fulghum presents a series of tutorials to get you up and running with PHP.

Taking Advantage of PEAR

PHP users have a particularly useful trove of code at their disposal, made available through the PHP Extension and Application Repository, better known as PEAR. Containing over 400 packages categorized under 40 different topics, and growing all the time, taking advantage of this community-driven service will save you countless hours of programming time. See what it can do for you.

Sending Email from your PHP Applications

Send email (plaintext, attachments, HTML mail, even bulk mail) using PHP and the wonderful HTML Mime Mail class.

Documenting PHP Code with PHPDocumentor

Does writing documentation leave you frustrated or bored? Discover a powerful yet little used code documentation tool known as PHPDocumentor.

Implementing Patterns within PHP

Jason Gilmore provides a general introduction to design patterns, then introduces two patterns, the Singleton and the Factory, and offers a PHP-based implementation in the form of an applicable example.

Monitor PHP Application Errors and Messages with syslog

Discover how to log PHP application status/error messages using the Unix syslog daemon.

The Object Oriented Improvements of PHP 5

Preview what to expect out of the new release of PHP 5. Major enhancements are added to its object oriented feature set as well as other bells and whistles.


Learn to Program using Python: Lesson 1, Getting Started

This is the first in a series of online tutorial lessons designed to teach you how to program using the Python scripting language. There is something for just about everyone here. Beginners start at the beginning, and experienced programmers jump in further on.


A Spring Jump Start

Reduce the complexity of using interfaces, speed and simplify your application development, and get the power and robust features of EJBs while keeping the simplicity of non-enterprise JavaBean. Discover the power or Spring, the powerful yet lightweight J2EE framework.

Wiring Java Applications with Spring

Explore the popular open-source framework Spring and how it can be used to wire Java applications using Inversion of Control (IOC). This article introduces Spring, discusses the concept of Inversion of Control (sometimes known as Dependency Injection), and shows how Spring enables you to develop clean, robust Java applications.


Struts from Scratch

Walk through the steps for installing Struts and a basic “Hello World!” sample application ‘from scratch’. It assumes that you are brand new to Struts and that you’re also fairly new to Java Server Pages (JSP) and programming in general.

An Introduction to Struts

Introduction Welcome to the first in a series of articles on Jakarta Struts (or simply, “Struts”), the Java/JSP-based framework for building Web-based applications. While later articles will get deep into the technology behind Struts, this first article provides an introduction to Struts and evaluates the case for using it.

Succeeding With Struts: Dynaforms

Once you’ve been using Struts for a while, you’ll begin to notice that you spend a lot of time creating ActionForm classes. While these classes are critical to the MVC architecture of Struts (as they implement the view portion), they are usually simply a collection of bean properties and a validate method (also sometimes a reset method.)


A Crash Course in Subversion

Are the programmers in your shop tired of playing ‘Who’s on First?’ when it comes to code revisions? Try Subversion. Like other version control products, you work with a single central repository that holds all versions of code in progress. You (and others) can interact with the repository and end the confusion of what code to use and who is working on it already.

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