JavaJCP Watch: Time for Review

JCP Watch: Time for Review

Community reviews are an important milestone in the lifecycle of a JSR. At this stage, a group of individuals with interest and knowledge of the proposed technology form an expert group for the JSR. The expert group prepares the first draft specification of the JSR and releases it to JCP members. JCP members have the privilege to review proposed Java technology still in it’s infancy. Members are encouraged to provide feedback to the expert group. Become a member now! Take part in the future of Java technology!

The activity in the JCP has been dominated by a slew of community reviews. Reviews for specifications in the area of database access, wireless technology, resource management and others are described.

Approved JSR’s

One JSR’s was approved for further development under the guidelines of the JCP. This JSR was approved via ballot voting by the Executive Committee members. (

JSR-205 Wireless Messaging API

This JSR is an extension to the original Wireless Messaging API (JSR-120 Wireless Messaging API) to provide Multimedia Message Service (MMS) support. This will allow messaging between mobile devices that are not only text but also can contain voice, video and graphics.

This JSR was covered in my last column.

Community Reviews

JSR-197 Generic Connection Framework Optional Package for the J2SE Platform

In order to support a generic mechanism of creating “connections” from small devices to other devices, networks or storage systems the Java Microedition Platform (J2ME) defines a “Generic Connection Framework” (JSR-46). This generic framework provides runtime protocol binding and an abstraction to creating connections hiding all the protocol, transport and network specific details from the application programmer. The Java Standard Platform (J2SE) support connections through a number of libraries and classes within the and package namespaces. This JSR intends to provide the Generic Connection Framework as implemented in J2ME to J2SE. This will allow complete and seamless portability of applications written from J2ME to J2SE.

The Community review closes on 17 March 2003. JCP members may access the Community review at

JSR-160 JMX Remoting 1.2

Java Management Extensions (JMX, JSR-3) currently provides the means to create Java based management agents, through standardized techniques for instrumentation, and standardized agent services. But it does not standardize the means to access these agents remotely. There are no API’s that define a common technique to connect to and access these management agents from remote machines. This JSR intends to define a Client interface for communicating with management agents thereby exposing a single interface to the client, hiding and abstracting the underlying tunneling and messaging protocol.

The Community review closes on 17 March 2003. JCP members may access the Community review at

JSR-114 JDBC Rowset Implementations

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) specifies a Rowset interface which allows programmatic access to manipulate and view tabular data stored within a database. However, JDBC does not specify any proposed implementations which is what this JSR intends to provide, a guideline for implementations of the Rowset interface.

The Community review closes on 17 March 2003. JCP members may access the Community review at

JSR-180 SIP API for J2ME

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an upcoming standard for establishing sessions over an IP networks. SIP is a signaling protocol similar to tone based dialing on telephone networks. SIP specifies how to establish, maintain and terminate a simple two-way telephone call or a collaborative multi-media conference session over an IP network. The goal of this JSR is to provide an API that allows SIP protocol handling for the Java Microedition enabling SIP support for small devices.

The Community review closes on 24 March 2003. JCP members may access the Community review at

JSR-164 JAIN SIMPLE Presence


JSR-165 JAIN SIMPLE Instant Messaging

SIMPLE is an extension to SIP (covered earlier in this article, JSR-180) that provides support for Instant Messaging like chat. The JAIN (Java Advanced Intelligent Network) API’s are a set of libraries that enable the rapid development of Next Generation telecom products and services on the Java platform. The JAIN APIs bring service portability, convergence, and secure network access to telephony and data networks. The JSR’s intend to specify interfaces that adhere to the SIMPLE protocol providing presence and instant messaging support to the JAIN API’s

These community reviews close on 24 March 2003. JCP members may access the Community review for JSR-164 at and JSR-165 at

JSR-188 CC/PP Processing

The way in which we interact with web-based services is through a browser of some sort. The browser may be on my desktop, on my PDA or on my mobile phone. I may also choose to render all the characters in a particular font. Web servers that produce the data we interact with often tailor the information suitable for the device on which it is going to be displayed. Composite Capability / Preferences Profile (CC/PP) describes the “delivery context” of data that is served by a web application. CC/PP is a W3C standard. This specification intends to implement a set of APIs for processing delivery context information allowing developers to write device independent code that can deliver tailored content to a multitude of web clients.

The Community review closes on 31 March 2003. JCP members may access the Community review at

JSR-185 Java Technology for the Wireless Industry

This is an umbrella JSR that covers the use and relation of various other JSR’s relating to the wireless industry. In particular, this JSR describes and overall architecture of how the various proposed wireless API technologies work together to form a complete handset solution for the wireless services industry. This JSR was updated with a list of other JSR’s under the umbrella of this JSR and provides a reference to the Java Wireless Architecture Roadmap This also links to an Open letter from the Expert group describing the status and future of this JSR.

The Community review closes on 24 March 2003. JCP members may access the Community review at

JSR-184 Mobile 3D Graphics API for J2ME

This proposed JSR will provide a scalable, small-footprint, interactive 3D API for use on mobile devices.

The Community review closes on 24 March 2003. JCP members may access the Community review at


What do you think of the JCP? What do you think of the current JSR’s? Do you have any suggestions for this column? Feel free to write to me at apu at

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