Java has support for Stack implementation and its related functionalities. Below is a quick snippet of Java code showing how to implement a Stack and its functions:
*/ import java.util.*; public class UnderstandingStack { public static void main(String args[]) { UnderstandingStack understandingStack = new UnderstandingStack(); understandingStack.proceed(); } private void proceed() { Stack stack = new Stack(); System.out.println("stack.empty(): " + stack.empty()); stack.push("One"); System.out.println("stack.empty(): " + stack.empty()); String element = (String) stack.pop(); System.out.println("stack.pop(): " + element); System.out.println("stack.empty(): " + stack.empty()); } } /*
Running this Java code in your IDE or code editor will produce the following output:
[root@mypc]# java UnderstandingStack stack.empty(): true stack.empty(): false stack.pop(): One stack.empty(): true