Running the Complete Program
Here is the complete program. Please review the lessons of Parts 1 through 3 before using it.
import Jama.*;
import jamlab.*;
public Class Main
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
//actual array data pairs (xVal, yVal)
double[] xVal = {-8.,-6.,-4.,-2.,0.,2.,4.,6.,8.,10.,12.};
double[] yVal = {-4.,-7.,-2.,1.,2.,1.5,4.,5.,4.9,6.7,9.};
//the total number of polynomials to be fitted to the data pairs
//store the polynomial coefficients
double[][] Coef = new double[MAXIMUM_ORDER][];
//upper error-bounds
double[][] U = new double[MAXIMUM_ORDER][];
//lower error-bounds
double[][] L = new double[MAXIMUM_ORDER][];
//evaluation of best fit polynomial
double[][] yEval = new double[MAXIMUM_ORDER][];
//order of polynomial
int ORDER = 0;
//number of points for smoothing the interpolation and extrapolation of data pairs
int number_of_points = 2000;
//Array of Polyfit
Polyfit[] polyf = new Polyfit[MAXIMUM_ORDER];
//array of Polyval
Polyval[] polyv = new Polyval[MAXIMUM_ORDER];
//array of matrices for error estimation for each polynomial order
Matrix[] error = new Matrix[MAXIMUM_ORDER];
//array of matrices for polynomial evaluation for each polynomial order
Matrix[] yOutMat = new Matrix[MAXIMUM_ORDER];
//array of matrices for upper-bound error estimation for each polynomial order
Matrix[] upper = new Matrix[MAXIMUM_ORDER];
//array of matrices for lower-bound error estimation for each polynomial order
Matrix[] lower = new Matrix[MAXIMUM_ORDER];
for(int i=0; i < MAXIMUM_ORDER ; i++){
ORDER = i ;
//instantiate polyfit objects with different order, starting at order=0
polyf[i] = new Polyfit(xVal,yVal,ORDER);
//array of polynomial coefficients at order = ORDER
Coef[ORDER] = polyf.getPolyCoeffMatrix().getColumnPackedCopy();
catch(Exception ex)
{ throw new Exception(ex.getMessage());}
Matrix xm = JElmat.linspace(-8,22,number_of_points);
double[] xEval = new JElmat(xm.getArrayCopy()).matrixArrayRow(0);
for(int k=0 ; k < MAXIMUM_ORDER ; k++){
polyv[k] = new Polyval(xEval,polyf[k]);
//matrix estimate of errorBounds
error[k] = polyv[k].getErrorBoundsMatrix();
//matrix evaluation of polynomial fitting
yOutMat[k] = polyv[k].getYoutMatrix();
//matrix estimate of upper-limit errorBounds
upper[k] = yOutMat[k].plus(error[k]);
//matrix estimate of lower-limit errorBounds
lower[k] = yOutMat.minus(error[k]);
//array estimate of upper-limit errorBounds
U[k] = new JElmat( upper[k].getArrayCopy()).matrixArrayRow(0);
//array estimate of lower-limit errorBounds
L[k] = new JElmat( lower[k].getArrayCopy()).matrixArrayRow(0);
//array evaluation of polynomial fitting
yEval[k] = polyv[k].getYout();
//Readers who use Java2D graphics for plotting, can implement the following loop
// to plot the output evaluation and error-bounds (upper and lower).
for(int j=0 ; j < MAXIMUM_ORDER ; j++) {
// (xVal,yVal) -> plot actual data pairs
// (xEval,yEval[j]) -> plot evaluation data pairs of best fit polynomial with order = j
// (xEval,L[j]) -> plot lower error-bounds for best fit polynomial of order = j
// (xEval,U[j]) -> plot upper error-bounds for best fit polynomial of order = j
}//– end main —
}//— End Class Definition —
Intermediate values between data-pairs can be estimated for any polynomial order by
evaluating the specific polynomial in the domain boundry with a large number of points.
The data pairs used in this tutorial were :
double[] xVal = {-8.,-6.,-4.,-2.,0.,2.,4.,6.,8.,10.,12.};
double[] yVal = {-4.,-7.,-2.,1.,2.,1.5,4.,5.,4.9,6.7,9.};
There were two thousand points between the minimum , -8. and the maximum,
12, to make the estimation as smooth as possible.
The following graphs show different plottings for different order of best fit polynomials.
blue line – actual data pairs
red line – best fit polynomial
black line – upper bound error estimate
yellow line – lower bound error estimate
Y = 1.918182
Y = 0.684091*X + 0.55
Y = 0.010111*X2 + 0.724534*X + 0.913986
Y = 0.000874*X3 – 0.015355*X2 + 0.672786*X + 1.031469
Y = 0.000754*X4 – 0.005157*X3 – 0.072654*X2 + 0.950233*X + 1.61049
Y = 0.000131*X5 + 0.002061*X4 + 0.006171*X3 – 0.161537*X2 + 0.739704*X + 2.27972
Y = 0.000033*X6 – 0.000525*X5 – 0.000927*X4 + 0.040596*X3 – 0.092734*X2 + 0.172263*X + 2.004319
Y = 0.000004*X7 + 0.000088*X6 – 0.000177*X5 – 0.006612*X4 + 0.033296*X3 + 0.049072*X2 + 0.205033*X + 1.506746
Extending the estimation of the best fit polynomials to extrapolate outside the data pairs
domain gives wildly osscilated error-bounds. Error-bounds increase as the estimation moves
away from the minimum = -8 or maximum = 12 point of the data pairs domain.
Error-bounds would have reasonable values around the vicinity of the minimum and the maximum.
The following graphs plot the extrapolation beyond the data pairs domain extending from
minimum = -8 to maximum = 22:
Polynomial fittings is one of the numerical techniques that engineers and scientists use
most often in estimation, simulation, and even model prediction. There
are other numerical methods for estimation, such as splines for example. The choice
depends on the domain of interest for the engineer. A NASA scientist
might prefer the cubic spline as an estimator, while a financial engineering
economist in the Tokyo stock market prefer to use a polynomial fitting of ORDER = 1,
(straight line) for future outcome predictions.
Final Word
We have introduced the concepts of matrix algebra in this tutorial and how it is
applied in numerical techniques of polynomial fittings. Linear algebra is
a cornerstone of today’s scientific software. There are other branches of engineering
mathematics, such as discrete mathematics, differential equations,
multi-variable calculus, statistics and probabilities, complex variables,
and operations research, etc., which are also the foundations of scientific
software. I will try to visit some of these in future tutorials.
Book References
- Java for Engineers and Scientists by Stephen J. Chapman, publisher : PRENTICE HALL
- Introductory Java for Scientists and Engineers by Richard J. Davies, publisher : ADDISON-WESLEY
- Applied Numerical Analysis (Sixth Edition), by Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatly, publisher : ADDISON-WESLEY
- Linear Algebra and its Applications (Second Edition), by David C. Lay, publisher : ADDISON-WESLEY
- Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77, the Art of Scientific Computing (Volume 1), by William H. Press , Saul A. Teukolsky , William T. Vetterling and Brian P. Flannery, publisher : CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
- Mastering MATLAB 5, by Duane Hanselman and Bruce Littlefield, publisher : PRENTICE HALL
- Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications using MATLAB by Howard B. Wilson , publisher : CRC Press
Download Jama and
Jamlab and
Jamlab documentation.
- Java for Engineers and Scientists by Stephen J. Chapman, Prentice Hall, 1999.
- Introductory Java for Scientists and Engineers by Richard J. Davies, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1999.
- Applied Numerical Analysis (Sixth Edition) by Curtis F. Gerald and Patrick O. Wheatly, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1999.
- Linear Algebra and Its Applications (Second Edition), by David C. Lay, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
- Numerical Recipes in Fortran 77, the Art of Scientific Computing (Volume 1) by William H. Press, Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P. Flannery, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
- Mastering MATLAB 5: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference by Duane Hanselman and Bruce Littlefield, Prentice Hall, 1997.
- Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications using MATLAB by Louis H. Turcotte and Howard B. Wilson, CRC Press, 1998.
Related Articles
- Java as a Scientific Programming Language (Part 1): More Issues for Scientific Programming in Java
- Scientific Computing in Java (Part 2): Writing Scientific Programs in Java
- Using Java in Scientific Research: An Introduction
About the Author
Sione Palu is a Java developer at Datacom in Auckland, New Zealand, currently involved in a Web application development project. Palu graduated from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, double majoring in mathematics and computer science. He has a personal interest in applying Java and mathematics in the fields of mathematical modeling and simulations, expert systems, neural and soft computation, wavelets, digital signal processing, and control systems.