JavaUnderstanding the Huffman Data Compression Algorithm in Java

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Java Programming Notes # 2442


This is the second lesson in a series of lessons that will teach you about
data and image compression.  The series began with the lesson entitled
Understanding the Lempel-Ziv Data Compression Algorithm in Java (commonly
known as LZ77).

Different variations of the LZ algorithms, the Huffman algorithm, and other
compression algorithms are often combined in data and image compression
programs.  For example, numerous sources on the web indicate that commercially
available zip programs often incorporate something called DEFLATE
According to Wikipedia,

"DEFLATE is a lossless data compression algorithm that uses a
combination of the LZ77 algorithm and Huffman coding.  It was originally
defined by
Phil Katz
for version 2 of his
archiving tool, and was later specified in


This lesson will teach you about Huffman coding.

Future lessons will cover a variety of compression schemes, including:

  • Run-length data encoding
  • GIF image compression
  • JPEG image compression

Use at your own risk

The programs that I will provide in these lessons are provided for
educational purposes only.  If you use these programs for any purpose, you are
using them at your own risk.  I accept no responsibility for any damages that
you may incur as a result of the use of these programs.

Viewing tip

You may find it useful to open another copy of this lesson in a
separate browser window.  That will make it easier for you to
scroll back
and forth among the different listings and figures while you are
about them.

Supplementary material

I recommend that you also study the other lessons in my extensive
collection of online Java tutorials.  You will find those lessons
However, as of the date of this writing, Gamelan doesn’t maintain a
consolidated index of my Java tutorial lessons, and sometimes they are
difficult to locate there.  You will find a consolidated index at

I particularly recommend that you study my earlier lessons in the section
entitled References in preparation for understanding
the material in this lesson.

General Background Information

Most of us use data or image compression on a daily basis without even
thinking about it.  If you use one of the popular zip programs to archive your
data, you are using a program that typically implements several different data
compression algorithms in combination.  If you take pictures with a digital
camera, you are probably creating files that describe images using the JPEG image
compression format.

What is Huffman coding?

According to Wikipedia,

"… Huffman coding is an

entropy encoding

used for

lossless data compression
. The term refers to the use of a
variable-length code table for encoding a source symbol (such as a character
in a file) where the variable-length code table has been derived in a
particular way based on the estimated probability of occurrence for each
possible value of the source symbol."

Other variable-length entropy coding systems

Huffman coding is not the only encoding scheme to use variable-length code
based on the probability of occurrence of the characters in a message.  For
example, the International
Morse Code
, originally created by
in the mid-1830s is a variable-length code, apparently based on his
concept of the probability of occurrence of the letters in the English alphabet. 
For example, the code for the letter E is the shortest code.  The letter E occurs very frequently in English text.  The
longest code is for the number 0.  Excluding the numbers, however, the two
longest codes are for the letters Q and W.  The
letter Q doesn’t appear very often in English Text.

(As an aside, one might surmise that similar probability tables were
used to develop the QWERTY keyboard where the key for the letter E is
relatively easy to strike.  On the other hand, the key for the letter Q is more difficult
for many people to strike because it requires the use of the little finger
on the left hand.)

Morse is not a prefix-free code

While Morse code is easy for a trained radio operator to understand (this
author was a radio operator in the U.S. Air Force for several years)
, the
code has a characteristic that makes it difficult, or at least inefficient to
implement using a computer.  In particular, the code sequences for the most
probable characters occur as the beginning parts of the code sequences for other
characters.  (For example, the entire code sequence for the letter E
occurs as the first element in the codes for many other letters.) 
trained human can easily deal with that situation but a significant amount of
overhead is required to cause a computer to deal with it.

Huffman is a prefix-free code

Huffman coding solves this problem.  The methodology used for Huffman coding
results in a

prefix-free code
.  A prefix-free code is one in which the bit coding
representing some particular character is never a prefix of the bit coding
representing any other character.  For example, here is a possible bit
sequence for a Huffman code on an alphabet with four characters where D is the
most probable and A is the least probable:

A 110
D 0
C 10
B 111

Code length is based on probability of occurrence

As with Morse code, the methodology used for the Huffman coding causes the
bit coding sequence to be shortest for the most frequently occurring characters, and
causes the coding sequence to be longest for the least frequently occurring
characters.  Unlike the Morse code, however, the probabilities for Huffman
are usually determined on a message-by-message basis instead of being based on
some general overall expectation of the probability of occurrence of the

Message-by-message probabilities

The upside of determining the probabilities on a message-by-message basis is
that the encoding can be optimized for each specific message.  The downside
is that the probability encoding table used to encode a specific message must
also be
used to decode the message.  The requirement to transport the encoding
table along with the message adds some overhead to the overall process.

An optimal encoding scheme

Once again, according to

"Huffman was able to design the most efficient compression method of
this type: no other mapping of individual source symbols to unique strings
of bits will produce a smaller average output size when the actual symbol
frequencies agree with those used to create the code."

Some caution is advised

Wikipedia goes on
to caution us,

"Assertions of the optimality of Huffman coding should be phrased
carefully, because its optimality can sometimes accidentally be over-stated.
For example,

arithmetic coding
ordinarily has better compression capability, because
it does not require the use of an integer number of bits for encoding each
source symbol. LZW
coding can also often be more efficient, particularly when the input symbols
are not independently-distributed, because it does not depend on encoding
each input symbol one at a time (instead, it batches up a variable number of
input symbols into each encoded syntax element). The efficiency of Huffman
coding also depends heavily on having a good estimate of the true
probability of the value of each input symbol."

As mentioned earlier, some data compression schemes combine Huffman coding
with one of the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) coding schemes to get the best of both

A binary tree

As you will soon see, Huffman coding works by creating a
of nodes, with each node being either a leaf node or an internal node.

(A picture of an actual Huffman binary tree, along with a
corresponding example, can be seen at the
Binary Essence
web site.  Additional Huffman binary trees are also shown in
Figure 6, Figure 8, and
Figure 10 later in this lesson.)

All nodes are initially leaf nodes, and there is one leaf node for every
character in the message being compressed.  Then the leaf nodes are combined
with internal nodes to form the tree.

As mentioned above, here is one leaf node for each character in the message.  A leaf node
contains the character and the frequency of usage for that character.

Internal nodes contain links to two child nodes plus a frequency which
is the sum of the frequencies of the two child nodes.

A variable-length bit sequence

A different, variable-length bit sequence is assigned to each character used
in the message.  The specific bit sequence assigned to an individual
character is determined by tracing out the path from the root of the tree to the
leaf that represents that character.  By convention, bit ‘0’ represents
following the left child when tracing out the path and bit ‘1’ represents following the right child
when tracing out the path.

Path lengths are different

The tree is constructed such that the paths from the root to the most
frequently used characters are short while the paths to less frequently used
characters are long.  This results in short codes for frequently used
characters and long codes for less frequently used characters.


The program named Huffman01

In this lesson, I will present and explain a program named Huffman01,
which illustrates the encoding and subsequent decoding of a text message using
the Huffman encoding algorithm.

Get and use an encoder object

Overall control of this operation of this program takes place in the main
method.  I will begin by instantiating an object of the HuffmanEncoder class
and by invoking the encode method on that object from the main

Create a frequency chart

Inside the encode method, I will invoke the createFreqData method to
create a frequency table that identifies each of the individual characters in
the original message and the number of times (frequency) that each
character appears in the message being compressed.

Create the leaves and construct the tree

Next, I will invoke the createLeaves method to create a HuffLeaf
object for each character identified in the frequency table.  I will store the
HuffLeaf objects in a TreeSet object.  Each HuffLeaf
object encapsulates the character that it represents as well as the number of
times that the character appears in the original message (frequency).

Then I will invoke the createHuffTree method to assemble the
objects into a Huffman tree (a HuffTree object)
A Huffman tree is a special form of a binary tree consisting of properly linked
HuffNode and HuffLeaf objects.

When the createHuffTree method returns, the HuffTree object
will remain as the only object stored in the TreeSet object that
previously contained all of the HuffLeaf objects.  This is because
all of the HuffLeaf objects will have been combined with HuffNode
objects to form the tree.  When two HuffLeaf objects are combined
with a single HuffNode object, the two HuffLeaf objects are
removed from the TreeSet object, and the HuffNode object is added
to the TreeSet object.

Create the bit codes

Following that, I will invoke the createBitCodes method, which uses
the Huffman tree in a recursive manner to create a bit code for each character
in the message.

(As mentioned earlier, the bit codes are different lengths with the
shorter codes corresponding to the characters with a high frequency value
and the longer codes corresponding to the characters with the lower
frequency values.)

The createBitCodes method populates a data structure that is used to
encode the message and is also required
later to decode the encoded message.

Dealing with a difficult bit-manipulation challenge

At this point in the execution of the program, I know the variable-length
bit code that is required to replace each character in the original message to
produce a Huffman-encoded message.

(The compression provided by Huffman encoding depends on the
frequently used characters having short bit codes and the less frequently
used characters having longer bit codes.)

Although I know the bit code required to replace each character in the
original message, a direct transformation from characters in the message to a
stream of contiguous bit codes is something of a challenge.  The computer’s
memory is organized on 8-bit boundaries.  I am unaware of any capability in
Java that allows the memory to be viewed simply as a continuous sequence of
individual bits.

(Note that it may be possible to accomplish this by using a Java
BitSet object.  I may give that a try someday when I have the time.)

This program deals with this challenge in a way that is straightforward, but
is probably inefficient from both a speed and memory requirements viewpoint. 

Not a production compression program

This program was specifically designed to serve its primary purpose of
education.  No thought or effort was given to speed, efficiency, memory
utilization, or any other factor that would be important in a program written
for production data compression purposes.  In some cases, the program was
purposely made less efficient (in the name of clarity) by using two or
more statements to accomplish a task that could be accomplished by a single more
complex statement.

The solution to the bit-manipulation challenge

The solution to the bit-manipulation challenge mentioned above was to do a simple
table lookup and to create a long String object consisting of only 1
and 0 characters.  Each character in the original message is represented by
a substring that matches the required bit code.

This is easy to accomplish because (unlike a long sequence of bits)
there are no artificial boundaries requiring the length of the String to
be some multiple of a fixed number of characters.

I will invoke the encodeToString method to encode the message into a
String representation of the bits that will make up the final encoded
message.  After the String containing 1 and 0 characters representing the
bits in the Huffman-encoded message is created, this String will be
processed to produce the Huffman-encoded message in a binary bit stream format.

Creating the binary bit stream format

Creation of the Huffman-encoded message in a binary bit stream format is
accomplished using another lookup table containing 256 entries (the number of
possible combinations of eight bits)

I will invoke the buildEncodingBitMap method to populate a lookup
table that relates eight bits represented as a String to every possible
combination of eight actual bits.  Then I will invoke the
method to encode the String representation of the
bits that make up the encoded message into the actual bits that make up the
encoded message.

Extraneous characters at the end

The encodeStringToBits method doesn’t handle the end of the
message very gracefully for those cases where the number of required bits is not
a multiple of 8.  The method simply adds enough "0" characters to the end
of the String to cause the length to be a multiple of 8.  This will
usually result in extraneous characters at the end of the decoded message later.

Some mechanism must be found to eliminate the extraneous characters when
decoding the message later.  This program assumes that the length of the original
message is preserved and provided to the decoding software along with the
required decoding table.  Since the length of the decoded message must
match the length of the original message, this value is used to eliminate
extraneous characters at the end of the decoded message.

Having created the Huffman-encoded message in a binary bit stream format,
I will return the encoded message from the encode method back to the main

Hexadecimal display

At this point in the program, the message has been Huffman encoded. 
Back in the main method, I will
provide the capability to display the binary encoded data in Hexadecimal format
for comparison with the original message.

Decode the encoded message

The program continues the demonstration by decoding and displaying the
Huffman-encoded message.

I will begin the decoding process by
instantiating a HuffmanDecoder object from within the main method.  Then
I will invoke the
method on the HuffmanDecoder object to decode the message.

I will pass the encoded message along with a reference to a data structure
containing encoding particulars and the length of the original message to the
method so that
extraneous characters on the end can be eliminated.

Decode from binary to String representation

Inside the decode method, I will invoke the buildDecodingBitMap
method to create a decoding bit map, which is essentially the reverse of the
encoding bit map that was used to encode the original message.

I will invoke the decodeToBitsAsString method to decode the encoded
message from a binary bit stream representation to a String of 1 and 0
characters that represent the actual bits in the encoded message.

Decode from string representation back to the
original characters

I will invoke the buildHuffDecodingTable method to create a Huffman
decoding table by swapping the keys and the values from the Huffman encoding
table received as an incoming parameter by the decode method.

Finally, I will invoke the decodeStringBitsToCharacters method to
decode the String containing only 1 and 0 characters that represent the
bits in the encoded message.  This will produce a replica of the original
message that was subjected to Huffman encoding.

Remove extraneous characters and return the decoded

I will write the resulting decoded message into a String object and
return the String with any extraneous characters at the end having been

Display results at critical points in the process

Numerous opportunities will be provided to enable code that will display
information that is useful towards gaining an understanding of the Huffman
encoding algorithm.  I will present and discuss much of that information in
this lesson.

Program testing

The program was tested using J2SE 5.0 and WinXP.  The program requires
J2SE 5.0 or later to support generics.

Sample messages

Three test messages are hard-coded into the program.  You can switch among
those messages by enabling and disabling them using comments and by then
recompiling the program.  You can also insert your own test message and
recompile the program to see the result of compressing your message.

and Sample Code

The class named Huffman01

I will discuss
this program in fragments.  You can view a complete listing of the program
in Listing 45 near the end of the lesson.

The class definition for the class named Huffman01 along with the
method begins in Listing 1.

public class Huffman01{
  public static void main(String[] args){

    Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable;

Listing 1

Listing 1 declares a data structure that is used to communicate encoding particulars from the Huffman encoder to the Huffman decoder. 
Because the encoding particulars are different for every message, this is necessary for the decoder to be able to decode the encoded message.

Test messages

Listing 2 creates and displays the raw test message that will be encoded. 
The message is displayed 48 characters to the line.

    //The following test message was copied directly from
    // an Internet news site.  It is probably
    // representative of typical English text.
    String rawData = "BAGHDAD, Iraq Violence increased "
    + "across Iraq after a lull following the Dec. 15 "
    + "parliamentary elections, with at least two dozen "
    + "people including a U.S. soldier killed Monday in "
    + "shootings and bombings mostly targeting the Shiite-"
    + "dominated security services. The Defense Ministry "
    + "director of operations, Brig. Gen. Abdul Aziz "
    + "Mohammed-Jassim, blamed increased violence in the "
    + "past two days on insurgents trying to deepen the "
    + "political turmoil following the elections. The "
    + "violence came as three Iraqi opposition groups "
    + "threatened another wave of protests and civil "
    + "disobedience if allegations of fraud are not "
    + "properly investigated.";
    String rawData = "Now is the time for all good men "
    + "to come to the aid of their country.";

    //Use the following test message or some other 
    // similarly short test message to illustrate the
    // construction of the HuffTree object.
    String rawData = "AAAAABBBBCCCDDE";

    System.out.println("Raw Data");

Listing 2

As mentioned earlier, you can modify the comment indicators to enable any one of the test messages
in Listing 2, or
you can insert a test message of your own and then recompile the program.

Listing 2 invokes the utility method named display48 to display the
message 48 characters to the line.  That method is straightforward and
shouldn’t require an explanation.  You can view the method in its entirety
in Listing 45.

Program output

The text at the top of Figure 1 was produced by the
code in Listing 2 after modifying the comment indicators to enable the news
story shown in Listing 2.

Raw Data
BAGHDAD, Iraq Violence increased across Iraq aft
er a lull following the Dec. 15 parliamentary el
ections, with at least two dozen people includin
g a U.S. soldier killed Monday in shootings and
bombings mostly targeting the Shiite-dominated s
ecurity services. The Defense Ministry director
of operations, Brig. Gen. Abdul Aziz Mohammed-Ja
ssim, blamed increased violence in the past two
days on insurgents trying to deepen the politica
l turmoil following the elections. The violence
came as three Iraqi opposition groups threatened
another wave of protests and civil disobedience
if allegations of fraud are not properly invest

Number raw data bits: 5048
Number binary encoded data bits: 2816
Compression factor: 1.7926136363636365

Binary Encoded Data in Hexadecimal Format

Decoded Data
BAGHDAD, Iraq Violence increased across Iraq aft
er a lull following the Dec. 15 parliamentary el
ections, with at least two dozen people includin
g a U.S. soldier killed Monday in shootings and
bombings mostly targeting the Shiite-dominated s
ecurity services. The Defense Ministry director
of operations, Brig. Gen. Abdul Aziz Mohammed-Ja
ssim, blamed increased violence in the past two
days on insurgents trying to deepen the politica
l turmoil following the elections. The violence
came as three Iraqi opposition groups threatened
another wave of protests and civil disobedience
if allegations of fraud are not properly invest
Figure 1

A compression factor of 1.793

The statistics following the test message in Figure 1 show that the
compression factor achieved by the Huffman algorithm for this particular message
was 1.793.  This can also be thought of as a compression ratio of 0.558. 
In other words, the compressed message requires 55.8 percent of the number of
bits required by the original uncompressed message.

As you will see later, different messages result in different
compression factors.

The binary encoded test message

The block of text near the middle of Figure 1 shows the binary version of the
encoded message displayed in Hexadecimal format.  At the surface, this may
appear to be longer than the original message.  Recall, however, that in
the display of the original message at the top of Figure 1, each character
represents eight bits.  However, in the Hexadecimal display, each character
represents only four bits.  As mentioned above, the number of actual bits in the compressed
message was only 55.8 percent of the number of bits in the original message.

The decoded message

The bottom block of text in Figure 1 is a replica of the original message
that was produced by decoding the binary version of the encoded message. 
Hopefully, this is an exact copy of the original message at the top of Figure 1,
which is a requirement for a lossless compression algorithm.

Display raw data length

Listing 3 gets and displays the length of the test message in bits, as shown
in the upper half of Figure 1.

    int rawDataLen = rawData.length();
    System.out.println("nNumber raw data bits: " 
                                   + rawData.length() * 8);

Listing 3

Instantiate a HuffmanEncoder object

Listing 4 instantiates a new object of the HuffmanEncoder class. 
The instance method named encode belonging to that object will be used to encode the test message
using the Huffman compression algorithm.

    HuffmanEncoder encoder = new HuffmanEncoder();

Listing 4

Encode the Message

Listing 5 begins by instantiating a new Hashtable object that will be
passed to the encode method to be populated with encoding particulars. 
This object will be used to encode the message and will also be required later to decode the message.

Still in the main method, Listing 5 invokes the encode method of the HuffmanEncoder
object to perform the actual encoding.  (Control is transferred from the
main method to the encode method.)

The test message and the
mentioned above are passed as parameters to the encode

    huffEncodeTable = new Hashtable<Character,String>();

    ArrayList<Byte> binaryEncodedData = encoder.encode(

Listing 5

The encoded message is received back later as bytes stored in an ArrayList object.

The HuffmanEncoder class

At this point, I am going to set the main method aside and explain the
encode method of the HuffmanEncoder class.  I will return to
the discussion of the main method later.

The HuffmanEncoder class definition begins in Listing 6.  An
object of this class can be used to encode a message using the Huffman
encoding algorithm.

class HuffmanEncoder{
  String rawData;  
  TreeSet <HuffTree>theTree = new TreeSet<HuffTree>();
  ArrayList <Byte>binaryEncodedData = 
                                     new ArrayList<Byte>();
  Hashtable <Character,Integer>frequencyData = 
                        new Hashtable<Character,Integer>();
  StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
  Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable;
  String stringEncodedData;
  Hashtable <String,Byte>encodingBitMap = 
                              new Hashtable<String,Byte>();

Listing 6

Declaration of instance variables

Listing 6 contains the declaration of several instance variables along
with the initialization of some of them.  I will discuss the instance
variables in
conjunction with the code that uses them later.

(By the way, in case you are unfamiliar with the syntax of the boldface
statement in Listing 6 that declares a reference to and instantiates a new TreeSet object, see my earlier lesson entitled
Generics in
J2SE 5.0, Getting Started

The encode method

The encode method begins in Listing 7.

  ArrayList<Byte> encode(
              String rawData,
              Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable){
    //Save the incoming parameters.
    this.rawData = rawData;
    this.huffEncodeTable = huffEncodeTable;

Listing 7

The encode method encodes an incoming String message using the
Huffman encoding algorithm.  The method also receives a reference to an
empty data structure of type Hashtable.  This data structures is
populated with encoding particulars.  These encoding particulars are used
to encode the message.  They are also required later by the decode
method to decode and transform the encoded message back into the original

In order to keep this method simple, pad characters may be appended onto the
end of the original message when it is encoded.  This is done to cause the
number of bits in the encoded message to be a multiple of eight, thus causing
the length of the encoded message to be an integral number of bytes. 
Additional code would be required to avoid this at this point.  However, it
is easy to eliminate the extraneous characters during decoding if the length of
the original message is known.

The code in Listing 7 saves the incoming parameters in a pair of local

Display original message as bits

Listing 8 shows the first of several opportunities
throughout this program to remove comment indicators and cause information of
interest be displayed.

    System.out.println("nRaw Data as Bits");

Listing 8

By removing the comment indicators to enable the two statements shown in
Listing 8, you can display the original message as a stream of bits.  This
can be visually compared with a similar display for the encoded message later to
illustrate the amount of compression provided by the encoding process.

Display the message as a stream of bits

The bottom portion of Figure 2 shows the result of enabling these two
statements and running the program using the test message shown at the top of
Figure 2.  (This test message is much shorter
than the test message from Figure 1.)

Raw Data
Now is the time for all good men to come to the
aid of their country.

Number raw data bits: 552

Raw Data as Bits

Figure 2

The method named displayRawDataAsBits

The utility method named displayRawDataAsBits, which is invoked in
Listing 8, is relatively straightforward and shouldn’t
require an explanation.  You can view the method in its entirety in
Listing 45.

Create a frequency chart

Listing 9 invokes the method named
to create a frequency chart that
identifies each of the individual characters in the original message and the
number of times (frequency) that each character appears in the message.

    //For illustration purposes only, enable the following
    // statement to display the contents of the frequency
    // chart created above.

Listing 9

Listing 9 also optionally invokes the method named displayFreqData to
display the results.

The createFreqData method

Listing 10 shows the createFreqData in its entirety.

  void createFreqData(){
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < rawData.length();cnt++){
      char key = rawData.charAt(cnt);
        int value = frequencyData.get(key);
        value += 1;
      }//end else
    }//end for loop
  }//end createFreqData

Listing 10

The createFreqData method creates the frequency chart described
above.  The results are stored in a
with the characters being the keys and the usage frequency
values of each character being the corresponding Hashtable values
for those key.

The code in Listing 10 is relatively straightforward and shouldn’t require a
detailed explanation.

The displayFreqData method

The method named displayFreqData that is called in
Listing 9 can be viewed in its entirety in
Listing 45.  It is too simple to require an

The frequency data

The bottom portion of Figure 3 shows the frequency data for each of the
characters contained in the test message shown at the top of Figure 3.

Raw Data
Now is the time for all good men to come to the
aid of their country.

Number raw data bits: 552

Frequency Data
. 1
N 1
y 1
w 1
u 1
t 7
s 1
r 3
o 9
n 2
m 3
l 2
i 4
h 3
g 1
f 2
e 6
d 2
c 2
a 2
Figure 3

And the results are…

As you can see, for this message, the space character occurred most
frequently for a total of 15 occurrences.  The character ‘o’ occurred next
most frequently with nine occurrences followed by the ‘t’ with seven
occurrences.  The period character and the characters ‘N’, ‘y’, ‘w’, ‘u’,
‘s’, and ‘q’ tied for last place with only one occurrence each.

Three special classes

At this point, I need to explain the following three special classes in order
for everything that follows to make sense:

  • HuffTree
  • HuffLeaf
  • HuffNode

The HuffTree class

The HuffTree class is the abstract superclass of the other two classes
in the above list.  Objects of the HuffNode and HuffLeaf
classes are used to construct the binary tree
mentioned earlier.

The class definition for the HuffTree class begins in Listing 11. 
Note that this class implements the Comparable interface.

abstract class HuffTree implements Comparable{

  int frequency;
  public int getFrequency(){
    return frequency;
  }//end getFrequency

Listing 11

The Comparable interface

In case you are unfamiliar with the use and purposes of the Comparable
interface, see Part 1
and Part2 my
earlier lesson on that topic.  Pay particular attention to the discussion
of the requirement for objects that will be stored in a TreeSet object to
implement the interface and to define the compareTo method.

The frequency property

Listing 11 declares the property variable named frequency.

Listing 11 also provides the property method named getFrequency, which
when called on an object of the class, will return the value of the frequency

(In the event that you are unfamiliar with properties in Java, see the
lessons on properties in the References section.)

The compareTo method

The method named compareTo is declared by the Comparable
interface and therefore must be defined by the HuffTree class.  Here
is some of what Sun has to say about the method:

"Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a
negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than,
equal to, or greater than the specified object."

Listing 12 shows the definition of the compareTo method in the
class.  Along with the property named frequency, the

method is inherited by both HuffNode and HuffLeaf
also signals the end of the HuffTree class definition.

  public int compareTo(Object obj){
    HuffTree theTree = (HuffTree)obj;
    if (frequency == theTree.frequency){
      //The objects are in a tie based on the frequency
      // value.  Return a tiebreaker value based on the
      // relative hashCode values of the two objects.
      return (hashCode() - theTree.hashCode());
      //Return negative or positive as this frequency is
      // less than or greater than the frequency value of
      // the object referred to by the parameter.
      return frequency - theTree.frequency;
    }//end else
  }//end compareTo

}//end HuffTree class

Listing 12

Purpose and description of the compareTo method

The purpose of the compareTo method in this program is to make it
possible for a collection object of the TreeSet class to compare two
objects of the HuffTree class (HuffNode or HuffLeaf
to determine which is greater when sorting the objects into
ascending order.

The compareTo method compares the object on which it is invoked to
another object whose reference is received as an incoming parameter.  The
method guarantees that sorting processes that depend on this method, such as
objects, will sort the objects into a definitive order.

If the frequency property values of the two objects are different, the
sort is based on the frequency values.

If the frequency values of the two objects are equal, the objects are
sorted based on their relative hashCode values.  Thus, if the same
two objects with the same frequency value are compared two or more times
during the execution of the program, those two objects will always be sorted
into the same order.  There is no chance of an ambiguous tie as to which
object should be first except for the case where an object is compared to itself
using two references to the same object.

The HuffNode class

The inner class named HuffNode is used to construct a node object in
the Huffman tree.  The class definition is shown in its entirety in Listing

  class HuffNode extends HuffTree{
    private HuffTree left;
    private HuffTree right;
    //HuffNode constructor
    public HuffNode(
               int frequency,HuffTree left,HuffTree right){
      this.frequency = frequency;
      this.left = left;
      this.right = right;
    }//end HuffNode constructor
    public HuffTree getLeft(){
      return left;
    }//end getLeft
    public HuffTree getRight(){
      return right;
    }//end getRight
  }//end HuffNode class

Listing 13

HuffNode extends HuffTree

As you should expect from the previous discussion, the HuffNode class
extends the HuffTree class.  The class declares two instance
variables named left and right.  The purpose of these
instance variables can best be explained by referring to the picture of the
Huffman binary tree on the
Binary Essence web

The HuffNode class is used to create internal node objects in the
Huffman tree. (See the node labeled 38 on the
Binary Essence web
site for example.)
  Except for the root node, each such internal node is either a left or
right child of a parent node.  Also, each such node holds references
to two child objects, which may be either HuffNode objects or HuffLeaf
objects.  The references to those two child objects are stored in the
instance variables named left and right in Listing 13.

(The two instance variables named left and right can
hold references to HuffNode objects or HuffLeaf objects
because they are declared as type HuffTree.   HuffTree
is the abstract superclass of both HuffNode and HuffLeaf.)

Beyond the explanation given above, the HuffNode code shown in Listing
13 is pretty straightforward and shouldn’t require further explanation.

The HuffLeaf class

The inner class named HuffLeaf is used to construct a leaf object in the Huffman tree. 
The class definition for the HuffLeaf class is shown in its entirety in
Listing 14.

  class HuffLeaf extends HuffTree{
    private int value;
    //HuffLeaf constructor
    public HuffLeaf(int value, int frequency){
      this.value = value;
      //Note that frequency is inherited from HuffTree
      this.frequency = frequency;
    }//end HuffLeaf constructor
    public int getValue(){
      return value;
    }//end getValue
  }//End HuffLeaf class

Listing 14

Once again, as you should expect from the previous discussion, the
class extends the HuffTree class.

Two instance variables

The class declares a single instance variable named value and inherits
another instance variable named frequency from the HuffTree class. 
The purpose of these instance variables can once again be explained by
referring to the picture of the Huffman binary tree on the
Binary Essence web

The HuffLeaf class is used to create leaf objects in the Huffman tree.
(See the leaf nodes labeled A, B, C, D, and E on the
Binary Essence web
site for example.)
  Each such leaf node is either a left or
child of a parent node of type HuffNode.

(Leaf node B is the left child of the parent node labeled 22 and leaf
node C is the right child of the parent node labeled 22.)

Leaf nodes do not hold references to child objects.  Rather, they hold
two values.  One value is the representation of a character or symbol that
appears in the message being compressed.  The other value is the frequency,
or the number of times that the character appears in the message being
compressed.  These two values are stored in the instance variables named
and value belonging to an object of the HuffLeaf

HuffNode objects also contain a value

I didn’t mention it in the earlier discussion
of the HuffNode objects because it didn’t seem to be germane at that
point.  However, in addition to the two references to child objects that
are held by HuffNode objects, HuffNode objects also hold a
frequency value.  In the case of a HuffNode object, the frequency
value is the sum of the frequency values of its two child objects.

For example, in the picture of the Huffman binary tree on the
Binary Essence web
site, the internal node labeled 22 holds a frequency value of 22, which is the
sum of the frequency values of the child nodes labeled B and C.  The
frequency value held by child node B is 12, and the frequency value held by
child node C is 10.  The sum of these two frequency values is 22, the value
held by their parent node.

The character values held by those two child nodes are respectively B and C.

Now that we understand the HuffTree, HuffNode, and HuffLeaf
classes, I can resume the discussion of the encode method of the

Create a set of HuffLeaf objects

Returning now to the discussion of the encode method, Listing 15
invokes the createLeaves method to create a HuffLeaf object for
every character identified in the frequency chart that was created in
Listing 9.


Listing 15

The createLeaves method

The createLeaves method is shown in its entirety in Listing 16.

  void createLeaves(){
    Enumeration <Character>enumerator = 
      Character nextKey = enumerator.nextElement();
      theTree.add(new HuffLeaf(
    }//end while
  }//end createLeaves

Listing 16

As mentioned above, the createLeaves method creates a HuffLeaf
object for every character identified in the frequency chart.  The
objects are stored in a TreeSet object.  Each
object encapsulates the character as well as the number of times
that the character appears in the original message that is being compressed.

(In case you are unfamiliar with the Enumeration interface, see my
earlier lesson entitled
Vectors, Hashtables,
and Enumerations

Create the Huffman tree

Listing 17 invokes the createHuffTree method to assemble the
collection of HuffLeaf objects stored in the TreeSet object into a
Huffman tree (a HuffTree object), also stored in the same


Listing 17

A Huffman tree is a special form of a binary tree consisting of properly
linked HuffNode objects and HuffLeaf objects.

When the createHuffTree method in Listing 17 returns, the HuffTree
object remains as the only object stored in the TreeSet object that
previously contained all of the HuffLeaf objects.  This is because
all of the HuffLeaf objects have been combined with HuffNode
objects to form the single HuffTree object.

The createHuffTree method

The createHuffTree method begins in Listing 18.

  void createHuffTree(){
    //Enable the following statements to see the original
    // contents of the TreeSet object. Do this only for
    // small trees because it generates lots of output.
    System.out.println("nnDisplay Original TreeSet");
    Iterator <HuffTree> originalIter = theTree.iterator();
                      "nHuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree");
    }//end while loop
    //End code to display the TreeSet

Listing 18

When enabled, the code in Listing 18 displays the contents of the TreeSet
object before the effort is begun to combine the HuffLeaf objects with
objects to create the HuffTree object.

(Note the caution in Listing 18 against enabling this display code for
large trees, meaning messages that contain lots of different characters.)

A short example

Figure 4 shows the output produced by the code in
Listing 18 (and the code from some earlier listings) for the short message shown at the
top of Figure 4.

Raw Data

Number raw data bits: 120

Frequency Data
A 5
E 1
D 2
C 3
B 4

Display Original TreeSet

HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
Figure 4

Five HuffLeaf objects

The frequency chart for this message appears near the top of Figure 4. 
From this frequency chart (and also from the text of the test message at the
, we can see that the TreeSet object should contain five
objects encapsulating the character values A, B, C, D, and E.

The bottom portion of Figure 4 shows the five HuffLeaf objects.

(I manually colored the individual elements with alternating colors of
blue and red to make them visually distinguishable.  I will have more
to say about the display format later.)

At this point, it important to note that the five HuffLeaf objects
have been sorted into ascending order
based on their frequency values as shown in the frequency chart near the top of
Figure 4.  I will be referring back to that fact later.

The displayHuffTree method

Listing 18 invokes the displayHuffTree
method to produce the output shown in the bottom portion of Figure 4.  I
will be calling that method again later in a more significant way (insofar as
the output format is concerned)
so I will defer any further discussion until then.

Create the Huffman tree

The code that creates the Huffman tree begins in Listing 19.  Before
getting into the details of the code, here is a general description of the
behavior of the code that creates the Huffman tree

Overall, the code assembles the collection of HuffLeaf objects into a
HuffTree object.  A HuffTree object is a special form of a
binary tree consisting of properly linked HuffNode objects and

When the operation has been completed, the HuffTree object remains as
the only object stored in the TreeSet object that previously contained
all of the HuffLeaf objects.  This is because, at that point in the
execution of the code, all of the HuffLeaf objects have been removed from
the TreeSet object and combined with HuffNode objects to form the
Huffman tree (as represented by the single HuffTree object).

Displays at runtime

The createHuffTree method contains two sections of code that can be
enabled to display:

  1. The contents of the original TreeSet object.
  2. The contents of the TreeSet object for each iteration during which
    objects are being combined with HuffNode objects to form
    the final HuffTree object.

You have already seen an example of the first display in
Figure 4
.  You will see an example of the second display later in
Figure 5.

These displays are very useful for understanding how the Huffman tree is
actually constructed.

Steps in constructing the HuffTree object

The HuffTree object is constructed by performing the following

  1. Extracting pairs of HuffLeaf and/or HuffNode objects from
    the TreeSet object in ascending order based on their frequency
  2. Using the pair of extracted objects to construct a new HuffNode
    object where the two extracted objects become children of the new
    object, and where the frequency value stored in the new
    object is the sum of the frequency values in the two child
  3. Removing the two original HuffLeaf and/or HuffNode objects
    from the TreeSet object and adding the new HuffNode object to
    the TreeSet object.  The position of the new HuffNode
    object in the sorted TreeSet object is determined by its frequency
    value relative to the other HuffNode and/or HuffLeaf objects
    in the collection.  The new HuffNode object will eventually
    become a child of another new HuffNode object unless it ends up as
    the root of the HuffTree object.
  4. Continuing this process until the TreeSet object contains a
    single object of type HuffTree.

Iterate on the TreeSet object

Listing 19 shows the beginning of a while loop that iterates on the
object until the number of elements contained in the object is equal
to 1.  When the number of elements in the TreeSet object has been
reduced to 1, all of the HuffNode and HuffLeaf elements in the
collection will have been combined into a single element of type HuffTree.

    while(theTree.size() > 1){
      //Get, save, and remove the first two elements.
      HuffTree left = theTree.first();
      HuffTree right = theTree.first();

Listing 19

As we saw in Figure 4, the collection of HuffLeaf
objects in the TreeSet object is initially sorted into
ascending order based on the
frequency values encapsulated in the objects.

The code in Listing 19 removes and saves the first two objects in the
collection, which are the objects containing the lowest frequency values.

(Initially, these two objects are both HuffLeaf objects, but
later they may be either HuffLeaf objects or HuffNode objects
or both.)

Create and save a HuffNode object

Listing 20 combines the two saved objects into a new HuffNode
(forming a three-object sub tree) and adds the sub tree to the

      HuffNode tempNode = new HuffNode(left.getFrequency() 
                        + right.getFrequency(),left,right);

Listing 20

Thus, each pass through the while loop removes the first two elements from the
TreeSet collection, uses those two elements to create a sub tree, and adds the sub tree
back to the collection.  This process continues until the sub tree is
the final tree, at which point the number of elements in the collection
has been reduced to one and the while loop terminates.

Display the contents of the TreeSet object

Still in the while loop, Listing 21 contains
code that can be enabled to display the contents of the TreeSet object at
the end of each iteration.

      //Enable the following statements to see the HuffTree
      // being created from HuffNode and HuffLeaf objects.
      // Do this only for small trees because it will
      // generate a lot of output.
      System.out.println("nnDisplay Working TreeSet");
      Iterator <HuffTree> workingIter = theTree.iterator();
                      "nHuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree");
      }//end while loop
      //End code to display the TreeSet
    }//end while
  }//end createHuffTree

Listing 21

Listing 21 also signals the end of the while loop and the end of the
createHuffTree method.

The program output

The bottom portion of Figure 5 shows the output
produced during the first iteration of the while loop by enabling the
display code in Listing 21.

Raw Data

Number raw data bits: 120

Display Working TreeSet

HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
Left to 1 Leaf:E
Back Right to 1 Leaf:D
Back Back
HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
Figure 5

At the end of the first iteration…

At the end of the first iteration of the while loop, the collection
contains four different elements.  (Recall from Figure 4 that the
collection originally contained five elements.)

I colored the four elements in Figure 5 with alternating colors of blue
and red to make them visually distinguishable.

In Figure 4, the first two elements in the collection
were the HuffLeaf objects encapsulating the characters E and D.  In
Figure 5, those two elements have been removed and combined with a HuffNode
object to form a sub tree, which is shown as the first red element in
Figure 5.

The sub tree

Figure 6 is an attempt to show a picture of the sub tree, which is the second
(red) element in the collection shown in Figure 5
(Hopefully this picture will survive the various publishing programs to which
this lesson will be subjected)

Level 0     O  
Level 1   E   D  
Figure 6

The sub tree consists of three parts.  The root of the sub tree is a
object (shown by the O in Figure 6).  The left child of
the node is a HuffLeaf object (shown by the E in Figure 6)
The right child of the node is also a HuffLeaf object (shown by the D
in Figure 6)

The format of the printed description

Conceptually, we can think of the root node as existing at Level 0 in the
tree and the two child nodes existing at Level 1 in the tree.  That brings
us to the format used to describe the elements in Figure 5.

Consider the first line in the description of the sub tree in
Figure 5, which reads HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree. 
This line simply serves as a separator between the elements.

Beginning with the second line in the description of the sub tree, the text
is a verbal description of how to start at the root and to traverse the
tree.  This text describes the sub tree by the traversal path.  It

  • Starting at the root (Level 0 implied), go down and to the left
    to Level 1.  There you will find a Leaf that encapsulates the character
  • Then go back up one level.  This will return you to Level 0. 
    Go down and to the right to Level 1.  There you will find a Leaf that
    encapsulates the character D.
  • Then go back up two levels, which will pop you out of the top of the

Adding the sub tree to the TreeSet collection

After the E and D leaves were removed from the collection and combined with a
node to form a sub tree, that sub tree was added back to the collection as shown
in Listing 20.

The node that forms the root of the sub tree was assigned the frequency value 3, which is
the sum of the frequency values for D and E as shown in the frequency chart in
Figure 4.  As a
result, the frequency value for the root of the sub tree has the same frequency
value as the leaf for the character C.

Tied for position in the collection

This causes the new sub tree to be
tied for position in the sorted collection with the leaf for the character C. 
It also causes the frequency value for the sub tree to be less than the
frequency value for the B leaf which has a frequency value of 4.

Given these values, the sub tree could have ended up as either the first or
the second element in the collection shown in Figure 5,
because it tied for the first position with the C leaf.  However, it had to
be closer to the beginning than the B leaf.  As it turns out, the
tie-breaker methodology used in the compareTo method in
Listing 12 placed it after the C leaf in
Figure 5

Output following the second iteration

Figure 7 shows the state of the TreeSet object following the
completion of the second iteration of the while loop that began in
Listing 19.

HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
Left to 1 Leaf:C
Back Right to 1 Left to 2 Leaf:E
Back Right to 2 Leaf:D
Back Back Back
Figure 7

At this point, the number of elements in the collection has been reduced from
the four elements shown in Figure 5 to the three shown
in Figure 7.  The reduction was accomplished by removing the C leaf in the
first element and the sub tree from the second element in
Figure 5
and using them to construct a larger sub tree.  That larger
sub tree is shown as the last element in Figure 7.

(See if you can create a sketch of the new sub tree on the basis of
the traversal description in Figure 7.)

The new sub tree

The pictorial representation of this larger sub tree, shown as the last
element in the collection in Figure 7, is shown in Figure 8.

Level 0          O
Level 1        C   O
Level 2          E   D
Figure 8

The Huffman tree

Skipping ahead to the last iteration, Figure 9 shows the state of the TreeSet object
following the final iteration of the while loop.  At this point, the
collection contains only one element, and it is the Huffman tree produced by
combining all of the leaf elements shown in Figure 4
with nodes to produce the tree.

HuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree
Left to 1 Left to 2 Leaf:C
Back Right to 2 Left to 3 Leaf:E
Back Right to 3 Leaf:D
Back Back Back Right to 1 Left to 2 Leaf:B
Back Right to 2 Leaf:A
Back Back Back
Figure 9

Pictorial representation of the Huffman tree

The pictorial representation of the Huffman tree described in Figure 9 is
shown in Figure 10

Level 0               X
                   0/   1
Level 1          X         X
               0/ 1     0/ 1
Level 2        C   X     B   A
                 0/ 1
Level 3          E   D
Figure 10

In Figure 10, I used the character X to indicate an internal node in place of
the character O that was used to depict the internal nodes in the earlier
pictures of the trees.  This is because I wanted to decorate the tree in
Figure 10 with 0 and 1 characters and I wanted to avoid confusion between the
character for an internal node and the zero character.

(You will see the reason for the decoration of the tree using 0 and 1
characters later.)

Hopefully you now understand how the TreeSet object containing a
collection of HuffLeaf objects is processed to produce a single
object, which is the required Huffman tree.

The displayHuffTree method

The output shown in Figure 4, Figure 5,
Figure 7, and Figure 9  was produced by the invocation of the
displayHuffTree method in Listing 18 and
Listing 21.  You can
view the displayHuffTree method in its entirety in
Listing 45
.  This
is a recursive method, which is very similar
to another recursive method named createBitCodes  that I will discuss later, so I
will leave it up to you to understand the inner workings of the
method on your own at this point.


At this point, I have developed the frequency information for the characters
in the short test message at the top of Figure 4
I displayed the frequency information in Figure 4.

I used the frequency information to create a HuffLeaf object for
every character in the message where the HuffLeaf object encapsulates the
character and the frequency information for that character.  I displayed
the HuffLeaf objects in Figure 4 also.

Then I combined those HuffLeaf objects with HuffNode objects
to create a HuffTree object.  I displayed intermediate pictorial
versions of the HuffTree object in Figure 6 and
Figure 8, and displayed
the final version in Figure 10
Figure 10 shows the Huffman binary tree
for the short test message at the top of Figure 4.

If we compare the Huffman tree in Figure 10 with the frequency information in
Figure 4, we see that the leaf objects representing the
characters with the highest frequency of usage in the message (C, B, and A) occur closest to
the root of the tree (Level 2) and those with the lowest frequency of usage
(E and D) occur further
from the root of the tree (Level 3).

Traversing the
Huffman tree

The next task is to use the Huffman tree to create a unique binary bit code
for every character used in the original test message.

(That is the reason
that I decorated the tree in Figure 10 with 0 and 1 characters.)

The way
that I will create the binary codes is to traverse the path from the root of the
binary tree to each leaf of the tree, keeping track of the decorations that I
encounter along the way.  Each time I encounter a 0, I will append a 0 to
the bit code for that character.  Each time I encounter a 1, I will append
1 to the bit code for that character.

Manually generated bit codes

Figure 11 shows the result of
manually performing this operation for each of the leaves in Figure 10 in
left-to-right order for the leaves.

C 00
E 010
D 011
B 10
A 11
Figure 11

Now that you know how the task is accomplished, we will take a look at the
code that automates this process.

Automate the task of creating bit codes

Back in the encode method, Listing 22 invokes the method named
to automate the task of traversing the Huffman
tree for the purpose of creating a unique bit code for every character described
by a leaf of the tree.  A reference to the single HuffTree object
stored in the TreeSet object is passed to the createBitCodes


Listing 22

A recursive method

The createBitCodes method traverses the Huffman tree in a recursive manner
to create a bit code for each character in the message.  The bit codes are
different lengths with the shorter codes corresponding to the characters with a
high frequency value and the longer codes corresponding to the characters with
the lower frequency values.

Note that the method call extracts the reference to the Huffman tree from the
TreeSet object and passes that reference to the method.  This is
necessary because the createBitCodes method is recursive and can’t conveniently work directly
with the TreeSet object.

The createBitCodes method populates
the data structure that is used to encode the message and required later to
decode the encoded message.

Recursion in Java

In order to understand the method named createBitCodes, you must
recursion.  Unfortunately,
none of the several hundred Java programming
tutorials that I have published in recent years, (several of which use recursion),
are dedicated to an understanding of recursion in Java.

(The writing
of a tutorial on recursion has been on my list of things to do for several years

Fortunately, if you Google the keywords
Java and recursion, you will find a variety of references, some
good, and some not so good.  One that seems to be very good can be found
on the web site of the

City University, London

The createBitCodes method

The createBitCodes method begins in Listing 23.  This method
the Huffman tree in a recursive manner to create a bit code for each character
in the message.  The bit codes are different lengths with the shorter bit
codes corresponding to the characters with a high usage frequency value and the
longer bit codes corresponding to the characters with the lower frequency

This method receives a reference to the Huffman tree that was earlier
contained as the only object in the TreeSet object.

A Huffman encoding table

The createBitCodes method creates a Huffman encoding table as a
object that relates the variable-length bit codes to the
characters in the original message.  The bit codes are constructed as
objects of type StringBuffer consisting of sequences of the characters 1
and 0 and converted to type String for storage in the Hashtable.

The traversal path

Each bit code describes the traversal path from the root of the Huffman tree
to a leaf on that tree.  Each time the path turns to the left, a 0
character is appended onto the StringBuffer object and becomes a part of
the resulting bit code.  Each time the path turns to the right, a 1
character is appended onto the StringBuffer object.

When a leaf is reached at the end of the traversal path, the character stored
in that leaf is retrieved and put into the Hashtable object as a key. 
A String representation of the StringBuffer object is used as the
value for that key in the Hashtable.

The final result

At completion, the Hashtable object contains a series of keys
consisting of the original characters in the message and a series of
corresponding values as String objects (consisting only of 1 and 0
representing the bit codes that will eventually be used to
encode the original message.

The Hashtable object that is populated by this method is the data structure
that is used to encode the message and is required later to decode the encoded

Test for the type of node

If you understand recursion in Java, you should find the createBitCodes
method to be straightforward.  If not, you will probably find it to be very
difficult to understand.

Listing 23 begins by testing the node to determine
if it is an internal node or a leaf node.

  void createBitCodes(HuffTree tree){
    if(tree instanceof HuffNode){
      // This is a node, not a leaf.  Process it as a node.

      //Cast to type HuffNode.
      HuffNode node = (HuffNode)tree;
      // Get and save the left and right branches
      HuffTree left = node.getLeft();
      HuffTree right = node.getRight();
      //Append a 0 onto the StringBuffer object.  Then make
      // a recursive call to this method passing a
      // reference to the left child as a parameter.  This
      // recursive call will work its way all the way down
      // to a leaf before returning.  Then it will be time
      // to process the right path.

Listing 23

If you understand recursion, the comments in Listing 23 should cause the code
in Listing 23 to be self explanatory.

Process the right leg

Listing 24 picks up at the point where the recursive process has finally
returned from its traversal down the left leg of the binary tree.  The code
in Listing 24 processes the right leg of the binary tree.

      //Return to here from recursive call on left child.

      //Delete the 0 from the end of the StringBuffer
      // object to restore the contents of that object to
      // the same state that it had before appending the 0
      // and making the recursive call on the left branch.
      //Now we will make a right turn.  Append a 1 to the
      // StringBuffer object and make a recursive call to
      // this method passing a reference to the right child
      // as a parameter.  Once again, this recursive call
      // will work its way all the  way down to a leaf
      // before returning.
      code.deleteCharAt(code.length() - 1);//Delete the 0.
      //Return to here from recursive call on right child.

      //Delete the character most recently appended to the
      // StringBuffer object and return from this recursive
      // call to the method.  The character is deleted
      // because control is being transferred back one
      // level in the recursive process and the
      // StringBuffer object must be restored to the same
      // state that it had when this recursive call was
      // made.
      code.deleteCharAt(code.length() - 1);

Listing 24

Process a leaf node

Listing 23 and Listing 24 were both concerned with the processing of internal
nodes in the binary tree.  Listing 25 picks up at the point where it has
been determined that the node is a leaf node instead of an internal node. 
Listing 25 processes the leaf node.

      //This is a leaf.  Process it as such.
      //Cast the object to type HuffLeaf.
      HuffLeaf leaf = (HuffLeaf)tree;
      //Put an entry into the Hashtable.  The Hashtable
      // key consists of the character value stored in the
      // leaf. The value in the Hashtable consists of the
      // contents of the StringBuffer object representing
      // the path from the root of the tree to the leaf.
      // This is the bitcode and is stored in the Hashtable
      // as a String consisting of only 1 and 0 characters.
    }//end else

  }//end createBitCodes

Listing 25

Understanding the inner workings

Hopefully, you have been able to understand the inner workings of the method
named createBitCodes.  If not, just take my word for it that the
behavior of the method is to automate the process that I described earlier in
the section entitled Traversing the
Huffman tree
.  Even if you don’t understand exactly how the method
named createBitCodes does its job, you should understand the outcome of
invoking that method.

Display the bit codes

The code in Listing 26 can be enabled to display the bit codes that were
created above and which are used to populate the Huffman encoding table.

    //For purposes of illustration only, enable the 
    // following two statements to display a table showing
    // the relationship between the characters in the
    // original message and the bitcodes that will replace
    // those characters to produce the Huffman-encoded
    // message.

Listing 26

The displayBitCodes method

You can view the displayBitCodes method in its entirety in
Listing 45
This method is very straightforward and should not require further explanation.

Sample bit code display

The bottom portion of Figure 12 shows the bit codes for the characters in the short message at the
top of Figure 12.  Compare these bit codes with the bit codes that I
produced manually in Figure 11.  Except for the display order, you should
find that they match exactly.

Raw Data

Number raw data bits: 120

Message Characters versus Huffman BitCodes
A 11
E 010
D 011
C 00
B 10
Figure 12

(If you investigate deeply enough, you will find that the method named
createBitCodes develops the bit codes and populates the Hashtable
in the same order as shown in Figure 11.  However, when an
object is used to retrieve and display the codes in the
method, the enumerator retrieves them in a different

Bit codes for a longer message

The bottom portion of Figure 13 shows the variable-length bit codes for the
somewhat longer test message shown at the top of Figure 13.

Raw Data
Now is the time for all good men to come to the
aid of their country.

Number raw data bits: 552

Message Characters versus Huffman BitCodes
. 100111
N 111000
y 011101
w 110010
u 100110
t 010
s 011100
r 11101
o 101
n 10000
m 11110
l 10001
i 0110
h 11111
g 110011
f 01111
e 1101
d 111001
c 11000
a 10010
Figure 13

Whereas the bit codes in Figure 12 were all either two bits or three bits in
length, the bit codes in Figure 13 range from two bits (00) at the
shortest to six bits (111000 for example) at the longest.

Bit codes for a much longer message

The bottom portion of Figure 14 shows the bit codes for the characters in the
even longer message shown at the top of Figure 14.

Raw Data
BAGHDAD, Iraq Violence increased across Iraq aft
er a lull following the Dec. 15 parliamentary el
ections, with at least two dozen people includin
g a U.S. soldier killed Monday in shootings and
bombings mostly targeting the Shiite-dominated s
ecurity services. The Defense Ministry director
of operations, Brig. Gen. Abdul Aziz Mohammed-Ja
ssim, blamed increased violence in the past two
days on insurgents trying to deepen the politica
l turmoil following the elections. The violence
came as three Iraqi opposition groups threatened
another wave of protests and civil disobedience
if allegations of fraud are not properly invest

Number raw data bits: 5048

Message Characters versus Huffman BitCodes
V 000100000    U 101110000    T 01010010     S 10001000
M 10001001     J 000110101    I 10001111     H 000110110
G 01010011     D 0101000      B 101110001    A 0001001
5 000100001    1 000110100    . 000111       - 00010001
, 0001100        110          z 10001110     y 000101
w 1000110      v 1011101      u 010101       t 1001
s 0100         r 0000         q 10111001     p 111100
o 1010         n 0111         m 100001       l 11111
k 000110111    i 1110         h 111101       g 101111
f 100000       e 001          d 10110        c 01011
b 1000101      a 0110
Figure 14

The bit codes for the message in Figure 14 range from three bits for the ‘e’
and the space character to nine bits for several characters including ‘U’, ‘V’,
and ‘k’.

(Note that I manually rearranged the bit codes in Figure 14 so that
would fit on a single screen for easier viewing.)

Encode message into a String of 1 and 0 characters

Back in the encode method, Listing 27 invokes the encodeToString
method to encode the message into a String representation of the bits
that will make up the final encoded message.


Listing 27

The encodeToString method also provides the optional capability to
display the String showing the bit values that will appear in the final
Huffman-encoded message.  This can be useful for comparing back against the
bits in the original message for purposes of evaluating the amount of
compression provided by encoding the message.

The encodeToString method

The encodeToString method is shown in its entirety in Listing 28.

  void encodeToString(){
    StringBuffer tempEncoding = new StringBuffer();
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < rawData.length();cnt++){
      //Do a table lookup to get the substring that
      // represents the bitcode for each message character.
      // Append those substrings to the string that
      // represents the Huffman-encoded message.
    }//end for loop
    //Convert the StringBuffer object to a String object.
    stringEncodedData = tempEncoding.toString();

    //For illustration purposes, enable the following two
    // statements to display the String showing the bit
    // values that will appear in the Huffman-encoded
    // message.  Display 48 bits to the line except for
    // the last line, which may be shorter, and which may
    // not be a multiple of 8 bits.
    System.out.println("nString Encoded Data");
  }//end encodeToString

Listing 28

The encodeToString method encodes the message into a String
representation of the bits that will make up the final encoded message. 
The String consists of only 1 and 0 characters where each character
represents the state of one of the bits in the Huffman-encoded message. 
Also for illustration purposes, this method optionally displays the String
showing the bit values that will appear in the Huffman-encoded message.

The encodeToString method is completely straightforward and shouldn’t
require further explanation.

Build an
encoding bit map

Back in the encode method, Listing 29 invokes the
method to populate a lookup table that relates eight bits represented as a
String to every possible
combination of eight actual bits.


Listing 29

You can view the buildEncodingBitMap method in
Listing 45
.  It is
so straightforward as to not warrant an explanation here.

Encode the String representation into actual bits

Listing 30 invokes the method named encodeStringToBits to encode the
String representation of the bits that make up the encoded message to the
actual bits that make up the encoded message.


Listing 30

The encodeStringToBits method

The encodeStringToBits method is shown in its entirety in Listing 31.

  void encodeStringToBits(){
    //Extend the length of the stringEncodedData to cause
    // it to be a multiple of 8.
    int remainder = stringEncodedData.length()%8;
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < (8 - remainder);cnt++){
      stringEncodedData += "0";
    }//end for loop
    //For illustration purposes only, enable the following
    // two statements to display the extended 
    // stringEncodedData in the same format as the 
    // original stringEncodedData.
    System.out.println("nExtended String Encoded Data");
    //Extract the String representations of the required
    // eight bits.  Generate eight actual matching bits by
    // looking the bit combination up in a table.
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < stringEncodedData.length();
                                                 cnt += 8){
      String strBits  = stringEncodedData.substring(
      byte realBits = encodingBitMap.get(strBits);
    }//end for loop
  }//end encodeStringToBits

Listing 31

The purpose of the encodeStringToBits method is to create actual bit data that matches the 1 and 0 characters in the
stringEncodedData that represents bits with the 1 and 0 characters.

Pad characters at the end

Note that this method doesn’t handle the end of the data very gracefully for those cases where the number of required bits is not a multiple of 8. 
The method simply adds enough “0” characters to the end to cause the length to be a multiple of 8.  This may result in extraneous characters at the end of the decoded message later.  However, it isn’t difficult to remove the extraneous characters at decode time as long as the length of the original message is known.

For illustration purposes, this method may optionally display the extended version of the
stringEncodedData for comparison with the non-extended version.

Output format

The binary Huffman-encoded data produced by this method is stored in a data structure of type
ArrayList <Byte>.

Once you understand the methodology, the code in Listing 31 is
straightforward and should not require further explanation.

Return from the encode method

Back in the encode method, the code in Listing 32 returns the binary
Huffman-encoded data, terminates the encode method, and returns control
to the main method where it was called in Listing 5.

    return binaryEncodedData;
  }//end encode method

Listing 32

Listing 32 also signals the end of the class definition for the class named

Meanwhile, back in the main method…

Listing 33 displays the number of bits in the encoded message and then
computes and displays the compression factor.

    System.out.println("Number binary encoded data bits: " 
                           + binaryEncodedData.size() * 8);
    System.out.println("Compression factor: " 
      + (double)rawData.length()/binaryEncodedData.size());

Listing 33

An example of compression factor

Listing 33 produces the compression-factor output shown in the bottom portion
of Figure 15 for the test message shown in the top of Figure 15.

Raw Data
BAGHDAD, Iraq Violence increased across Iraq aft
er a lull following the Dec. 15 parliamentary el
ections, with at least two dozen people includin
g a U.S. soldier killed Monday in shootings and
bombings mostly targeting the Shiite-dominated s
ecurity services. The Defense Ministry director
of operations, Brig. Gen. Abdul Aziz Mohammed-Ja
ssim, blamed increased violence in the past two
days on insurgents trying to deepen the politica
l turmoil following the elections. The violence
came as three Iraqi opposition groups threatened
another wave of protests and civil disobedience
if allegations of fraud are not properly invest

Number raw data bits: 5048
Number binary encoded data bits: 2816
Compression factor: 1.7926136363636365
Figure 15

Another example of compression factor

Similarly, the bottom portion of Figure 16 shows the compression factor
achieved for the test message shown in the top of Figure 16.

Raw Data
Now is the time for all good men to come to the
aid of their country.

Number raw data bits: 552
Number binary encoded data bits: 272
Compression factor: 2.0294117647058822
Figure 16

Comparing the results in Figure 15 with the results in
Figure 16, you can see
that the compression results are highly dependent on the content of the message,
even for the case where the message is composed entirely of English text.

Display the encoded message in hexadecimal format

The test message has now been Huffman encoded.  Continuing with the
method, Listing 34 invokes the method named hexDisplay48 to display the
binaryEncodedData in hexadecimal format, 48 characters per line.

            "nBinary Encoded Data in Hexadecimal Format");

Listing 34

The method named hexDisplay48

The method named hexDisplay48 can be viewed in its entirety in
Listing 45.  The code in this method is completely straightforward and shouldn’t
require further explanation.

Sample hexadecimal display of Huffman-encoded data

The bottom portion of Figure 17 shows a hexadecimal display of the binary
Huffman-encoded version of the message shown at the top of Figure 17

Raw Data
Now is the time for all good men to come to the
aid of their country.

Number raw data bits: 552
Number binary encoded data bits: 272
Compression factor: 2.0294117647058822

Binary Encoded Data in Hexadecimal Format
Figure 17

Comparing hexadecimal and raw data displays

When comparing the hexadecimal display with the display of the raw data,
remember that each raw-data character represents eight bits while each
hexadecimal character represents only four bits.  Therefore, even though
the hexadecimal display appears to be about as long as the raw-data display, the
number of bits required to represent the Huffman-encoded version of the message
in Figure 17 is only 49.2 percent of the number of bits required to represent the raw
unencoded version.  This results in a compression factor of 2.029 for this
particular message.

Having encoded the message, the time has come to decode it to produce an
exact (lossless) replica of the original message.

Decode the Message

Still in the main method, I will continue the demonstration by
decoding the encoded message.  I will accomplish this by instantiating an
object of the HuffmanDecoder class and invoking the decode method
on that object as shown in Listing 35.

    HuffmanDecoder decoder = new HuffmanDecoder();

    String decodedData = decoder.decode(binaryEncodedData,

Listing 35

(As you will soon see, it is somewhat easier to decode a Huffman-encoded
message than it is to encode it.)

Information required to decode the message

Listing 35 passes the encoded message to the decode method of the HuffmanDecoder object
along with a reference to the  data structure containing the encoding particulars
as well as the length of the original message.

(The length of the original
message is used to eliminate extraneous characters on the end of the decoded message.)

The HuffmanDecoder class

Putting the main method aside for awhile, the beginning of the class
definition of the HuffmanDecoder class begins in
Listing 36

class HuffmanDecoder{
  Hashtable <String,Character>huffDecodeTable = 
                         new Hashtable<String,Character>();
  String stringDecodedData;
  String decodedData = "";
  Hashtable <Byte,String>decodingBitMap = 
                              new Hashtable<Byte,String>();
  ArrayList <Byte>binaryEncodedData;
  //The following structure contains particulars as to how
  // the original message was encoded, and must be received
  // as an incoming parameter to the decode method along
  // with the encoded message and the length of the
  // original message.
  Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable;
  //Used to eliminate the extraneous characters on the end.
  int rawDataLen;
Listing 36

An object of the HuffmanDecoder class can be used to decode a
Huffman-encoded message given the encoded message, a data structure containing
particulars as to how the original message was encoded, and the length of the
original message.

The code in Listing 36 gets things started by declaring several instance
variables and initializing some of them.  I will discuss the instance
variables in conjunction with the code that uses them.

The decode method

Listing 37 shows the beginning of the decode method of the

  String decode(ArrayList <Byte>binaryEncodedData,
               Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable,
               int rawDataLen){
    //Save the incoming parameters.
    this.binaryEncodedData = binaryEncodedData;
    this.huffEncodeTable = huffEncodeTable;
    this.rawDataLen = rawDataLen;

Listing 37

The decode method receives a Huffman-encoded message along with a data
structure containing particulars as to how the original message was encoded and
the length of the original message.  It decodes the original message and
returns the decoded version as a String object.

Listing 37 saves the incoming parameters in instance variables that were
declared in Listing 36.

Create a decoding bit map

Listing 38 invokes the buildDecodingBitMap method, which is essentially the reverse of the
encoding bit map that was used to encode the original message.


Listing 38

The buildDecodingBitMap method

The buildDecodingBitMap method can be viewed in its entirety in
Listing 45.  This method populates a lookup table
that relates eight bits represented as a String to eight actual bits for
all possible combinations of eight bits.

This is essentially a reverse lookup table relative to the encodingBitMap
table that is used to encode the message.  The only difference between the
two is a reversal of the key and the value in the Hashtable that contains the

Decode from binary to String

Listing 39 invokes the decodeToBitsAsString method to decode the
encoded message from a binary representation to a String of 1 and 0
characters that represent the actual bits in the encoded message.


Listing 39

The decodeToBitAsString method

This method, which can be viewed in its entirety in
Listing 45
is very straightforward.  Therefore no further discussion is

Build a decoding table

Listing 40 invokes the buildHuffDecodingTable method to create a Huffman decoding
lookup table by swapping the keys and values from the Huffman encoding table received as an incoming parameter by the decode method.


Listing 40

The buildHuffDecodingTable method

You guessed it!  Once again, this method, which can be viewed in
Listing 45, is too simple to deserve further

Decode the message

Listing 41 invokes the decodeStringBitsToCharacters method to decode
the String containing only 1 and 0 characters that represent the bits in the
encoded message.  This produces a replica of the original message that was
subjected to Huffman encoding.


Listing 41

The decodeStringBitsToCharacters method

The decodeStringBitsToCharacters method is shown in its entirety in
Listing 42.

  void decodeStringBitsToCharacters(){
    StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer workBuf = new StringBuffer();

    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < stringDecodedData.length();
        workBuf = new StringBuffer();
      }//end if
    }//end for loop
    decodedData = output.toString();
  }//End decodeStringBitsToCharacters();

Listing 42

Two empty StringBuffer objects

The decodeStringBitsToCharacters method begins with one empty
object referred to by the variable named workBuf and
another empty StringBuffer object referred to by the variable named

The StringBuffer object referred to by output is used to
construct the decoded message.  The StringBuffer object referred to
by workBuf is used as a temporary holding area for substring data.

Build a working string one character at a time

The method reads the String containing only 1 and 0 characters that
represent the bits in the encoded message (stringDecodedData).  The
characters are read from this string one character at a time.  As each new
character is read, it is appended to the StringBuffer object referred to
by workBuf.

Compare the working string to the decoding keys

As each new character is appended to the StringBuffer object, a test
is performed to determine if the current contents of the StringBuffer
object match one of the keys in a Hashtable table that relates
strings representing Huffman bit codes to characters in the original message.

When a match is found…

When a match is found, the value associated with that key is
retrieved from the Hashtable and appended onto the StringBuffer object
referred to by output.  Thus, the output text is built up one character at
a time.

Clear the working string

Having processed the matching key, a new empty StringBuffer object is
instantiated and is referred to by workBuf.  The process of reading,
appending, and testing for a match is repeated until all of the characters in
the string that represents the bits in the encoded message have been processed.

The original message has been reconstructed, with
extra characters

At that point, the StringBuffer object referred to by output
contains the entire decoded message.  (It may contain extraneous
at the end.)
  It is converted to type String and
referred to by decodedData.  Then the
method returns control to the
decode method with the task of decoding the encoded message having been

Back in the decode method…

As shown in Listing 43, the decode method returns control to the
method returning a reference to a String containing a replica of
the original message in the process.

    return decodedData.substring(0,rawDataLen);    
  }//end decode method

Listing 43

Note that the code in Listing 43 uses the known length of the original
message to trim extraneous
from the end of the decoded message.

Listing 43 signals the end of the decode method and the end of the

Back in the main method…

Listing 44 invokes the display48 method to display the decoded
results, 48 characters to the line as shown near the bottom of
Figure 1.

    System.out.println("nDecoded Data");

  }//end main

Listing 44

And that’s a wrap!  I hope that you have enjoyed this lesson on Huffman

Run the Program

I encourage you to copy the code from Listing 45 into your text
editor, compile it, and execute it.  Experiment with it, making
changes, and observing the results of your changes.

Create a variety of test messages of your own and determine the compression
factor for different types of messages.  For example apply the Huffman
compression algorithm to raw HTML messages to see if they compress more
than straight text messages.  Create a simulation of an encrypted message
using byte values from a random number generator as the message content and see
how well that message compresses.


In this lesson, I have taught you about the inner workings of the Huffman
lossless compression algorithm.  I also showed you the results obtained by
applying the algorithm to several different test messages.

What’s Next?

Future lessons in this series will explain the inner workings behind several
other data and image compression schemes, including the following:

  • Run-length data encoding
  • GIF image compression
  • JPEG image compression


2440 Understanding the Lempel-Ziv Data Compression Algorithm in Java
Vectors, Hashtables, and Enumerations

508 JavaBeans,
Properties of Beans, Simple and Indexed
510 JavaBeans,
Properties of Beans, Bound Properties 
512 JavaBeans,
Properties of Beans, Constrained Properties
1350 Data
Structures in Java: Part 1, Getting Started

Data Structures in Java: Part 2, What Is a Collection?

Data Structures in Java: Part 3, Purpose of Framework Interfaces

Data Structures in Java: Part 4, Purpose of Implementations and

Data Structures in Java: Part 5, The Core Collection Interfaces

Data Structures in Java: Part 6, Data Structures in Java: Part 6,
Duplicate Elements, Ordered Collections, Sorted Collections, and Interface

Data Structures in Java: Part 7, The Comparable Interface, Part 1

Data Structures in Java: Part 8, The Comparable Interface, Part 2

Data Structures in Java: Part 9, The Comparator Interface, Part 1

Data Structures in Java: Part 10, The Comparator Interface, Part 2

Data Structures in Java: Part 11, The Comparator Interface, Part 3

Data Structures in Java: Part 12, The Comparator Interface, Part 4
1374 Data
Structures in Java: Part 13, The Comparator Interface, Part 5

Data Structures in Java: Part 14, The Comparator Interface, Part 6

Data Structures in Java: Part 15, The toArray Method, Part 1
1380 Data
Structures in Java: Part 16, The toArray Method, Part 2
Generics in J2SE, Getting Started

Complete Program Listing

A complete listing of the program discussed in this lesson is shown in
Listing 45 below.


This program illustrates the encoding and later decoding of
a text message using the Huffman encoding technique.

This program is provided for educational purposes only. If
you use the program for any purpose, you use it at your
own risk.  The author of the program accepts no
responsibility for any damages that may result from your
use of the program.

We begin by instantiating an object of the HuffmanEncoder 
class and invoking the encode method on that object.

Inside the encode method, we invoke the createFreqData 
method to create a frequency chart that identifies each of 
the individual characters in the original message and the 
number of times (frequency) that each character appeared in
the message.

Next, we invoke the createLeaves method to create a 
HuffLeaf object for each character identified in the 
frequency chart.  We store the HuffLeaf objects in a 
TreeSet object.  Each HuffLeaf object encapsulates the 
character as well as the number of times that the 
character appeared in the original message (frequency).

Then we invoke the createHuffTree method to assemble the 
HuffLeaf objects into  a Huffman tree (a HuffTree object).
A Huffman tree is a special form of a binary tree  
consisting of properly linked HuffNode and HuffLeaf 

When the createHuffTree method returns, the HuffTree
object remains as the only object stored in the TreeSet 
object that previously contained all of the HuffLeaf 
objects.  This is because all of the HuffLeaf objects have 
been combined with HuffNode objects to form the tree.

Following that, we invoke the createBitCodes method. This
method uses the Huffman tree in a recursive manner to 
create a bit code for each character in the message.  The
bit codes are different lengths with the shorter codes 
corresponding to the characters with a high frequency 
value and the longer codes corresponding to the characters 
with the lower frequency values.  The  createBitCodes 
method populates a data structure that is required later 
to decode the encoded message.
At this point, we know the variable-length bitcode that is 
required to replace each character in the original message 
to produce a Huffman-encoded message.  (The compression 
provided by Huffman encoding depends on the frequently
used characters having short bitcodes and the less 
frequently used characters having longer bitcodes.)
Although we know the bitcode required to replace each
character in the original message, a direct transformation 
from characters in the message to a stream of contiguous 
bitcodes is something of a challenge.  The computer's 
memory is organized on 8-bit boundaries.  I am unaware of 
any capability in Java that allows the memory to be viewed 
simply as a continuous sequence of individual bits.

(Note that it may be possible to accomplish this by using 
a Java BitSet object.  I may give that a try someday when I
have the time.)
This program uses a solution to this challenge that is 
straightford, but is probably inefficient from both a speed
and memory requirement viewpoint.  The solution is to do a 
simple table lookup in order to create a long String object
consisting of only 1 and 0  characters.  Each character in 
the original message is represented by a substring that 
matches the required bitcode. This is easy to accomplish
because (unlike a long sequence of bits) there are no 
artificial boundaries requiring the length of the String to
be some multiple of a fixed number of characters.

We invoke the encodeToString method to encode the message 
into a String representation of the bits that will make up 
the final encoded message.      
After the String containing 1 and 0 characters representing
the bits in the Huffman-encoded message is created, this 
String is processed to produce the Huffman-encoded message
in a binary bit stream format.  This is accomplished using 
another lookup table containing 256 entries (the number of 
possible combinations of eight bits).

We invoke the buildEncodingBitMap method to populate a 
lookup table that relates eight bits represented as a 
String to every possible combination of eight actual bits.

Then we invoke the encodeStringToBits method to Encode the 
String representation of the bits that make up the encoded 
message to the actual bits that make up the encoded 

Note that this method doesn't handle the end of the message
very gracefully for those cases where the number of 
required bits is not a multiple of 8.  The method simply 
adds enough "0" characters to the end of the String to 
cause the length to be a multiple of 8.  This will usually
result in extraneous characters at the end of the decoded
message later.  Some mechanism must be found to eliminate
the extraneous characters when decoding the message.  This
program assumes that the length of the original message is
preserved and provided to the decoding software along with
the decoding table.  Since the length of the decoded 
message must match the length of the original message, this
value is used to eliminate extraneous characters at the
end of the decoded message.

Then we return the binaryEncodedData from the encode method
to the main method.  The message has now been Huffman 
encoded.  We provide the capability to display the
binaryEncodedData in Hexadecimal format at this point for
comparison with the original message.

The program continues the demonstration by decoding and
displaying the Huffman-encoded message.

We begin the decoding process by instantiating a 
HuffmanDecoder object.

Then we invoke the decode method on the HuffmanDecoder 
object to decode the message.  We pass the encoded message 
along with a reference to a data structure containing 
encoding particulars and the length of the original 
message so that extraneous characters on the end can be 
Inside the decode method, we invoke the buildDecodingBitMap
method to create a decoding bit map, which is essentially 
the reverse of the encoding bit map that was used to encode 
the original message.

We invoke the decodeToBitsAsString method to decode the 
encoded message from a binary representation to a String of
1 and 0 characters that represent the actual bits in the 
encoded message.
We invoke the buildHuffDecodingTable method to create a 
Huffman decoding table by swapping the keys and the values 
from the Huffman encoding table received as an incoming 
parameter by the decode method.
Finally, we invoke the decodeStringBitsToCharacters method
to decode the String containing only 1 and 0 characters
that represent the bits in the encoded message. This
produces a replica of the original message that was
subjected to Huffman encoding.  We write the resulting
decoded message into a String object and return the 
decoded message with any extraneous characters at the end
having been removed.

The program was tested using J2SE 5.0 and WinXP.
Requires J2SE 5.0 to support generics.

import java.util.*;

public class Huffman01{
  public static void main(String[] args){
    //The following data structure is used to
    // communicate encoding particulars from the Huffman
    // encoder to the Huffman decoder.  This is necessary
    // for the decoder to be able to decode the encoded
    // message.  Note that this data structure must be
    // empty when it is passed to the encode method.
    Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable;
    //Begin the demonstration by applying Huffman encoding
    // to a text message.
    //Create and display the raw text message that will be
    // encoded.  Display 48 characters to the line.
    //Modify the comment indicators to enable one of the
    // following test messages, or insert a test message
    // of your own and then recompile the program.
    //The following test message was copied directly from
    // an Internet news site.  It is probably
    // representative of typical English text.
    String rawData = "BAGHDAD, Iraq Violence increased "
    + "across Iraq after a lull following the Dec. 15 "
    + "parliamentary elections, with at least two dozen "
    + "people including a U.S. soldier killed Monday in "
    + "shootings and bombings mostly targeting the Shiite-"
    + "dominated security services. The Defense Ministry "
    + "director of operations, Brig. Gen. Abdul Aziz "
    + "Mohammed-Jassim, blamed increased violence in the "
    + "past two days on insurgents trying to deepen the "
    + "political turmoil following the elections. The "
    + "violence came as three Iraqi opposition groups "
    + "threatened another wave of protests and civil "
    + "disobedience if allegations of fraud are not "
    + "properly investigated.";
    String rawData = "Now is the time for all good men "
    + "to come to the aid of their country.";

    //Use the following test message or some other 
    // similarly short test message to illustrate the
    // construction of the HuffTree object.
    String rawData = "AAAAABBBBCCCDDE";

    //Enable the following two statements to display the
    // raw data 48 characters to the line.
    System.out.println("Raw Data");

    int rawDataLen = rawData.length();
    System.out.println("nNumber raw data bits: " 
                                   + rawData.length() * 8);

    //Instantiate a Huffman encoder object
    HuffmanEncoder encoder = new HuffmanEncoder();
    //Encode the raw text message.  The encoded message
    // is received back as bytes stored in an ArrayList
    // object.  Pass the raw message to the encode
    // method.  Also pass a reference to the empty data
    // structure mentioned above to the encode method where
    // it will be populated with encoding particulars
    // needed to decode the message later
    huffEncodeTable = new Hashtable<Character,String>();
    ArrayList<Byte> binaryEncodedData = encoder.encode(
    System.out.println("Number binary encoded data bits: " 
                           + binaryEncodedData.size() * 8);
    System.out.println("Compression factor: " 
      + (double)rawData.length()/binaryEncodedData.size());

    //The message has now been Huffman encoded. Display the
    // binaryEncodedData in Hexadecimal format, 48 
    // characters per line.
            "nBinary Encoded Data in Hexadecimal Format");
    //Now continue the demonstration by decoding the
    // Huffman-encoded message.

    //Instantiate a Huffman decoder object.
    HuffmanDecoder decoder = new HuffmanDecoder();
    //Pass the encoded message to the decode method of the
    // HuffmanDecoder object.  Also pass a reference
    // to the  data structure containing encoding 
    // particulars to the decode method.  Also pass the
    // length of the original message so that extraneous
    // characters on the end of the decoded message can be
    // eliminated.
    String decodedData = decoder.decode(binaryEncodedData,

    //Display the decoded results, 48 characters to the
    // line
    System.out.println("nDecoded Data");

  }//end main
  //Utility method to display a String 48 characters to
  // the line.
  static void display48(String data){
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < data.length();cnt += 48){
      if((cnt + 48) < data.length()){
        //Display 48 characters.
        //Display the final line, which may be short.
      }//end else
    }//end for loop
  }//end display48
  //Utility method to display hex data 48 characters to
  // the line
  static void hexDisplay48(
                        ArrayList<Byte> binaryEncodedData){
    int charCnt = 0;
    for(Byte element : binaryEncodedData){
               Integer.toHexString((int)element & 0X00FF));
      if(charCnt%24 == 0){
        System.out.println();//new line
        charCnt = 0;
      }//end if
    }//end for-each
  }//end hexDisplay48
}//end class Huffman01

//An object of this class can be used to encode a raw text
// message using the Huffman encoding methodology.
class HuffmanEncoder{
  String rawData;  
  TreeSet <HuffTree>theTree = new TreeSet<HuffTree>();
  ArrayList <Byte>binaryEncodedData = 
                                     new ArrayList<Byte>();
  Hashtable <Character,Integer>frequencyData = 
                        new Hashtable<Character,Integer>();
  StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer();
  Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable;
  String stringEncodedData;
  Hashtable <String,Byte>encodingBitMap = 
                              new Hashtable<String,Byte>();
  //This method encodes an incoming String message using
  // the Huffman encoding methodology.  The method also
  // receives a reference to an empty data structure.
  // This data structures is populated with encoding 
  // particulars required later by the decode method 
  // to decode and transform the encoded message back 
  // into the original String message.  Note that in
  // order to keep this method simple, pad characters may
  // be appended onto the end of the original
  // message when it is encoded.  This is done to cause the
  // number of bits in the encoded message to be a multiple
  // of eight, thus causing the length of the encoded
  // message to be an integral number of bytes.  Additional
  // code would be required to avoid this at this point. 
  // However, it is easy to eliminate the extraneous
  // characters during decoding if the length of the
  // original message is known.
  ArrayList<Byte> encode(
              String rawData,
              Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable){
    //Save the incoming parameters.
    this.rawData = rawData;
    this.huffEncodeTable = huffEncodeTable;
    //For illustration purposes only, enable the following
    // two statements to display the original message as a 
    // stream of bits.  This can be visually compared with
    // a similar display for the encoded  message later to
    // illustrate the amount of compression provided by
    // the encoding process.
    System.out.println("nRaw Data as Bits");
    //Create a frequency chart that identifies each of the
    // individual characters in the original message and
    // the number of times (frequency) that each character
    // appeared in the message.
    //For illustration purposes only, enable the following
    // statement to display the contents of the frequency
    // chart created above.
    //Create a HuffLeaf object for each character
    // identified in the frequency chart.  Store the
    // HuffLeaf objects in a TreeSet object.  Each HuffLeaf
    // object encapsulates the character as well as the
    // number of times that the character appeared in the
    // original message (the frequency).
    //Assemble the HuffLeaf objects into  a Huffman tree
    // (a HuffTree object). A Huffman tree is a special
    // form of a binary tree  consisting of properly linked
    // HuffNode objects and HuffLeaf objects.
    //When the following method returns, the HuffTree
    // object remains as the only object stored in the
    // TreeSet object that previously contained all of the
    // HuffLeaf objects.  This is because all of the
    // HuffLeaf objects have been combined with HuffNode
    // objects to form the tree.
    //Use the Huffman tree in a recursive manner to create
    // a bit code for each character in the message.  The
    // bit codes are different lengths with the shorter
    // codes corresponding to the characters with a high
    // frequency value and the longer codes corresponding
    // to the characters with the lower frequency values.
    //Note that the method call extracts the reference to
    // the Huffman tree from the TreeSet object and passes
    // that reference to the method.  This is necessary
    // because the method is recursive and cannot
    // conveniently work with the TreeSet object.
    //This method populates the data structure that is
    // required later to decode the encoded message.

    //For purposes of illustration only, enable the 
    // following two statements to display a table showing
    // the relationship between the characters in the
    // original message and the bitcodes that will replace
    // those characters to produce the Huffman-encoded
    // message.
    //Encode the message into a String representation
    // of the bits that will make up the final encoded
    // message.  Also,the following method may optionally
    // display the String showing the bit values that will
    // appear in the final Huffman-encoded message.  This
    // is useful for comparing back against the bits in
    // the original message for purposes of evaluating the
    // amount of compression provided by encoding the
    // message.
    //Populate a lookup table that relates eight bits
    // represented as a String to every possible combinaion
    // of eight actual bits.
    //Encode the String representation of the bits that
    // make up the encoded message to the actual bits
    // that make up the encoded message.
    //Note that this method doesn't handle the end of the
    // message very gracefully for those cases where the
    // number of required bits is not a multiple of 8.  It
    // simply adds enough "0" characters to the end to
    // cause the length to be a multiple of 8.  This may
    // result in extraneous characters at the end of the
    // decoded message later.
    //For illustration purposes only, this method may also
    // display the extended version of the String
    // representation of the bits for comparison with the
    // non-extended version.
    //Return the encoded message.
    return binaryEncodedData;
  }//end encode method
  //This method displays a message string as a series of
  // characters each having a value of 1 or 0.
  void displayRawDataAsBits(){
    for(int cnt = 0,charCnt = 0;cnt < rawData.length();
      char theCharacter = rawData.charAt(cnt);
      String binaryString = Integer.toBinaryString(
      //Append leading zeros as necessary to show eight
      // bits per character.
      while(binaryString.length() < 8){
        binaryString = "0" + binaryString;
      }//end while loop
      if(charCnt%6 == 0){
        //Display 48 bits per line.
        charCnt = 0;
        System.out.println();//new line
      }//end if
    }//end for loop
  }//end displayRawDataAsBits

  //This method creates a frequency chart that identifies
  // each of the individual characters in the original
  // message and the number of times that each character
  // appeared in the message.  The results are stored in
  // a Hashtable with the characters being the keys and the
  // usage frequency of each character being the
  // corresponding Hashtable value for that key.  
  void createFreqData(){
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < rawData.length();cnt++){
      char key = rawData.charAt(cnt);
        int value = frequencyData.get(key);
        value += 1;
      }//end else
    }//end for loop
  }//end createFreqData
  //This method displays the contents of the frequency
  // chart created by the method named createFreqData.
  void displayFreqData(){
    System.out.println("nFrequency Data");
    Enumeration <Character>enumerator = 
      Character nextKey = enumerator.nextElement();
               nextKey + " " + frequencyData.get(nextKey));
    }//end while
  }//end displayFreqData
  //This method creates a HuffLeaf object for each char
  // identified in the frequency chart.  The HuffLeaf
  // objects are stored in a TreeSet object.  Each HuffLeaf
  // object encapsulates the character as well as the
  // number of times that the character appeared in the
  // original message.
  void createLeaves(){
    Enumeration <Character>enumerator = 
      Character nextKey = enumerator.nextElement();
      theTree.add(new HuffLeaf(
    }//end while
  }//end createLeaves

  //This inner class is used to construct a leaf object in
  // the Huffman tree.
  class HuffLeaf extends HuffTree{
    private int value;
    //HuffLeaf constructor
    public HuffLeaf(int value, int frequency){
      this.value = value;
      //Note that frequency is inherited from HuffTree
      this.frequency = frequency;
    }//end HuffLeaf constructor
    public int getValue(){
      return value;
    }//end getValue
  }//End HuffLeaf class
  //Assemble the HuffLeaf objects into a HuffTree object.
  // A HuffTree object is a special form of a binary tree
  // consisting of properly linked HuffNode objects and
  // HuffLeaf objects.
  //When the method terminates, the HuffTree object
  // remains as the only object stored in the TreeSet
  // object that previously contained all of the HuffLeaf
  // objects.  This is because all of the HuffLeaf
  // objects have been removed from the TreeSet object
  // and combined with HuffNode objects to form the
  // Huffman tree (as represented by the single HuffTree
  // object).
  //The method contains two sections of code that can be
  // enabled to display:
  // 1. The contents of the original TreeSet object.
  // 2. The contents of the TreeSet object for each
  //    iteration during which HuffLeaf objects are being
  //    combined with HuffNode objects to form the final
  //    HuffTree object.
  // This display is very useful for understanding how the
  // Huffman tree is constructed.  However, this code
  // should be enabled only for small trees because it
  // generates a very large amount of output.
  //The HuffTree object is constructed by:
  // 1. Extracting pairs of HuffLeaf or HuffNode objects
  //    from the TreeSet object in ascending order based
  //    on their frequency value. 
  // 2. Using the pair of extracted objects to construct
  //    a new HuffNode object where the two extracted
  //    objects become children of the new HuffNode
  //    object, and where the frequency value stored in
  //    the new HuffNode object is the sum of the
  //    frequency values in the two child objects.
  // 3. Removing the two original HuffLeaf or HuffNode
  //    objects from the TreeSet and adding the new
  //    HuffNode object to the TreeSet object.  The
  //    position of the new HuffNode object in the Treeset
  //    object is determined by its frequency value 
  //    relative to the other HuffNode or HuffLeaf objects
  //    in the collection. The new HuffNode object will 
  //    eventually become a child of another new HuffNode 
  //    object unless it ends up as the root of the 
  //    HuffTree object.
  // 4. Continuing this process until the TreeSet object
  //    contains a single object of type HuffTree.
  void createHuffTree(){
    //Enable the following statements to see the original
    // contents of the TreeSet object. Do this only for
    // small trees because it generates lots of output.
    System.out.println("nnDisplay Original TreeSet");
    Iterator <HuffTree> originalIter = theTree.iterator();
                      "nHuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree");
    }//end while loop
    //End code to display the TreeSet
    //Iterate on the size of the TreeSet object until all
    // of the elements have been combined into a single
    // element of type HuffTree
    while(theTree.size() > 1){
      //Get, save, and remove the first two elements.
      HuffTree left = theTree.first();
      HuffTree right = theTree.first();
      //Combine the two saved elements into a new element
      // of type HuffNode and add it to the TreeSet
      // object.
      HuffNode tempNode = new HuffNode(left.getFrequency() 
                        + right.getFrequency(),left,right);

      //Enable the following statements to see the HuffTree
      // being created from HuffNode and HuffLeaf objects.
      // Do this only for small trees because it will
      // generate a lot of output.
      System.out.println("nnDisplay Working TreeSet");
      Iterator <HuffTree> workingIter = theTree.iterator();
                      "nHuffNode, HuffLeaf, or HuffTree");
      }//end while loop
      //End code to display the TreeSet
    }//end while
  }//end createHuffTree
  //Recursive method to display a HufTree object.  The
  // first call to this method should pass a value of 0
  // for recurLevel.
  void displayHuffTree(HuffTree tree,int recurLevel){
    if(tree instanceof HuffNode){
      // This is a node, not a leaf.  Process it as a node.

      //Cast to type HuffNode.
      HuffNode node = (HuffNode)tree;
      // Get and save the left and right branches
      HuffTree left = node.getLeft();
      HuffTree right = node.getRight();
      //Display information that traces out the recursive
      // traversal of the tree in order to display the
      // contents of the leaves.
      System.out.print("  Left to " + recurLevel + " ");
      //Make a recursive call.
      System.out.print("  Right to " + recurLevel + " ");
      //Make a recursive call.
      //This is a leaf.  Process it as such.
      //Cast the object to type HuffLeaf.
      HuffLeaf leaf = (HuffLeaf)tree;
                        "  Leaf:" + (char)leaf.getValue());
    }//end else
    System.out.print("  Back ");

  }//end displayHuffTree
  //This inner class is used to construct a node object in
  // the Huffman tree.
  class HuffNode extends HuffTree{
    private HuffTree left;
    private HuffTree right;
    //HuffNode constructor
    public HuffNode(
               int frequency,HuffTree left,HuffTree right){
      this.frequency = frequency;
      this.left = left;
      this.right = right;
    }//end HuffNode constructor
    public HuffTree getLeft(){
      return left;
    }//end getLeft
    public HuffTree getRight(){
      return right;
    }//end getRight
  }//end HuffNode class

  //This method uses the Huffman tree in a recursive manner
  // to create a bitcode for each character in the message.
  // The bitcodes are different lengths with the shorter
  // bitcodes corresponding to the characters with a high
  // usage frequency value and the longer bitcodes
  // corresponding to the characters with the lower
  // frequency values.
  //Note that this method receives a reference to the
  // Huffman tree that was earlier contained as the only
  // object in the TreeSet object.  (Because this method is
  // recursive, it cannot conveniently work with the
  // TreeSet object.
  //This method creates a Huffman encoding table as a
  // Hashtable object that relates the variable length
  // bitcodes to the characters in the original message.
  // The bitcodes are constructed as objects of type
  // StringBuffer consisting of sequences of the characters
  // 1 and 0.
  //Each bitcode describes the traversal path from the root
  // of the Huffman tree to a leaf on that tree.  Each time
  // the path turns to the left, a 0 character is appended
  // onto the StringBuffer object and becomes part of the
  // resulting bitcode.  Each time the path turns to the
  // right, a 1 character is appended onto the
  // StringBuffer object.  When a leaf is reached, the
  // character stored in that leaf is retrieved and put
  // into the Hashtable object as a key.  A String
  // representation of the StringBuffer object is used as
  // the value for that key in the Hashtable.
  //At completion,the Hashtable object contains a series of
  // keys consisting of the original characters in the
  // message and a series of values as String objects
  // (consisting only of 1 and 0 characters) representing
  // the bitcodes that will eventually be used to encode
  // the original message.
  //Note that theHashtable object that is populated by this
  // method is the data structure that is required later
  // to decode the encoded message.
  void createBitCodes(HuffTree tree){
    if(tree instanceof HuffNode){
      // This is a node, not a leaf.  Process it as a node.

      //Cast to type HuffNode.
      HuffNode node = (HuffNode)tree;
      // Get and save the left and right branches
      HuffTree left = node.getLeft();
      HuffTree right = node.getRight();
      //Append a 0 onto the StringBuffer object.  Then make
      // a recursive call to this method passing a
      // reference to the left child as a parameter.  This
      // recursive call will work its way all the way down
      // to a leaf before returning.  Then it will be time
      // to process the right path.
      //Return to here from recursive call on left child.

      //Delete the 0 from the end of the StringBuffer
      // object to restore the contents of that object to
      // the same state that it had before appending the 0
      // and making the recursive call on the left branch.
      //Now we will make a right turn.  Append a 1 to the
      // StringBuffer object and make a recursive call to
      // this method passing a reference to the right child
      // as a parameter.  Once again, this recursive call
      // will work its way all the  way down to a leaf
      // before returning.
      code.deleteCharAt(code.length() - 1);//Delete the 0.
      //Return to here from recursive call on right child.

      //Delete the character most recently appended to the
      // StringBuffer object and return from this recursive
      // call to the method.  The character is deleted
      // because control is being transferred back one
      // level in the recursive process and the
      // StringBuffer object must be restored to the same
      // state that it had when this recursive call was
      // made.
      code.deleteCharAt(code.length() - 1);
      //This is a leaf.  Process it as such.
      //Cast the object to type HuffLeaf.
      HuffLeaf leaf = (HuffLeaf)tree;
      //Put an entry into the Hashtable.  The Hashtable
      // key consists of the character value stored in the
      // leaf. The value in the Hashtable consists of the
      // contents of the StringBuffer object representing
      // the path from the root of the tree to the leaf.
      // This is the bitcode and is stored in the Hashtable
      // as a String consisting of only 1 and 0 characters.
    }//end else

  }//end createBitCodes
  //This method displays a table showing the relationship
  // between the characters in the original message and the
  // bitcodes that will ultimately replace each of those
  // characters to produce the Huffman-encoded message.
  void displayBitCodes(){
           "nMessage Characters versus Huffman BitCodes");
    Enumeration <Character>enumerator = 
      Character nextKey = enumerator.nextElement();
             nextKey + " " + huffEncodeTable.get(nextKey));
    }//end while
  }//end displayBitCodes
  //This method encodes the message into a String
  // representation of the bits that will make up the final
  // encoded message.  The String consists of only 1 and 0
  // characters where each character represents the state
  // of one of the bits in the Huffman-encoded message.
  //Also for illustration purposes, this method optionally
  // displays the String showing the bit values that will
  // appear in the Huffman-encoded message.
  void encodeToString(){
    StringBuffer tempEncoding = new StringBuffer();
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < rawData.length();cnt++){
      //Do a table lookup to get the substring that
      // represents the bitcode for each message character.
      // Append those substrings to the string that
      // represents the Huffman-encoded message.
    }//end for loop
    //Convert the StringBuffer object to a String object.
    stringEncodedData = tempEncoding.toString();

    //For illustration purposes, enable the following two
    // statements to display the String showing the bit
    // values that will appear in the Huffman-encoded
    // message.  Display 48 bits to the line except for
    // the last line, which may be shorter, and which may
    // not be a multiple of 8 bits.
    System.out.println("nString Encoded Data");
  }//end encodeToString

  //This method populates a lookup table that relates eight
  // bits represented as a String to eight actual bits for
  // all possible combinations of eight bits.
  void buildEncodingBitMap(){

    for(int cnt = 0; cnt <= 255;cnt++){
      StringBuffer workingBuf = new StringBuffer();
      if((cnt & 128) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
      if((cnt & 64) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 32) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 16) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 8) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 4) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 2) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 1) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
    }//end for loop
  }//end buildEncodingBitMap
  //The purpose of this method is to create actual bit data
  // that matches the 1 and 0 characters in the 
  // stringEncodedData that represents bits with the 1 and
  // 0 characters.
  //Note that this method doesn't handle the end of the
  // data very gracefully for those cases where the number
  // of required bits is not a multiple of 8.  It simply
  // adds enough "0" characters to the end to cause the
  // length to be a multiple of 8.  This may result in
  // extraneous characters at the end of the decoded
  // message later. However, it isn't difficult to remove
  // the extraneous characters at decode time as long as
  // the length of the original message is known.
  //For illustration purposes, this method may optionally
  // display the extended version of the stringEncodedData
  // for comparison with the non-extended version.
  //Note that the binary Huffman-encoded data produced by
  // this method is stored in a data structure of type
  // ArrayList <Byte>.
  void encodeStringToBits(){
    //Extend the length of the stringEncodedData to cause
    // it to be a multiple of 8.
    int remainder = stringEncodedData.length()%8;
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < (8 - remainder);cnt++){
      stringEncodedData += "0";
    }//end for loop
    //For illustration purposes only, enable the following
    // two statements to display the extended 
    // stringEncodedData in the same format as the 
    // original stringEncodedData.
    System.out.println("nExtended String Encoded Data");
    //Extract the String representations of the required
    // eight bits.  Generate eight actual matching bits by
    // looking the bit combination up in a table.
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < stringEncodedData.length();
                                                 cnt += 8){
      String strBits  = stringEncodedData.substring(
      byte realBits = encodingBitMap.get(strBits);
    }//end for loop
  }//end encodeStringToBits
  //Method to display a String 48 characters to the line.
  void display48(String data){
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < data.length();cnt += 48){
      if((cnt + 48) < data.length()){
        //Display 48 characters.
        //Display the final line, which may be short.
      }//end else
    }//end for loop
  }//end display48
}//end HuffmanEncoder class

//An object of this class can be used to decode a
// Huffman-encoded message given the encoded message, 
// a data structure containing particulars as to how the
// original message was encoded, and the length of the
// original message..
class HuffmanDecoder{
  Hashtable <String,Character>huffDecodeTable = 
                         new Hashtable<String,Character>();
  String stringDecodedData;
  String decodedData = "";
  Hashtable <Byte,String>decodingBitMap = 
                              new Hashtable<Byte,String>();
  ArrayList <Byte>binaryEncodedData;
  //The following structure contains particulars as to how
  // the original message was encoded, and must be received
  // as an incoming parameter to the decode method along
  // with the encoded message and the length of the
  // original message.
  Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable;
  //Used to eliminate the extraneous characters on the end.
  int rawDataLen;
  //This method receives a Huffman-encoded message along
  // with a data structure containing particulars as to how
  // the original message was encoded and the length of the
  // original message.  It decodes the original message and
  // returns the decoded version as a String object.
  String decode(ArrayList <Byte>binaryEncodedData,
               Hashtable <Character,String>huffEncodeTable,
               int rawDataLen){
    //Save the incoming parameters.
    this.binaryEncodedData = binaryEncodedData;
    this.huffEncodeTable = huffEncodeTable;
    this.rawDataLen = rawDataLen;
    //Create a decoding bit map, which is essentially the
    // reverse of the encoding bit map that was used to
    // encode the original message.
    //Decode the encoded message from a binary
    // representation to a String of 1 and 0 characters
    // that represent the actual bits in the encoded
    // message.  Also, for illustration purposes only,
    // this method may optionally display the String.
    //Create a Huffman decoding table by swapping the keys
    // and values from the Huffman encoding table received
    // as an incoming parameter by the decode method.
    //Decode the String containing only 1 and 0 characters
    // that represent the bits in the encoded message. This
    // produces a replica of the original message that was
    // subjected to Huffman encoding.  Write the resulting
    // decoded message into a String object referred to by
    // decoded data.
    //Return the decoded message.  Eliminate the extraneous
    // characters from the end of the message on the basis
    // of the known length of the original message.
    return decodedData.substring(0,rawDataLen);    
  }//end decode method

  //This method populates a lookup table that relates eight
  // bits represented as a String to eight actual bits for
  // all possible combinations of eight bits.  This is
  // essentially a reverse lookup table relative to the
  // encodingBitMap table that is used to encode the
  // message.  The only difference between the two is a
  // reversal of the key and the value in the Hashtable
  // that contains the table.
  void buildDecodingBitMap(){
    for(int cnt = 0; cnt <= 255;cnt++){
      StringBuffer workingBuf = new StringBuffer();
      if((cnt & 128) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 64) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 32) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 16) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 8) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 4) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 2) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
      if((cnt & 1) > 0){workingBuf.append("1");
        }else {workingBuf.append("0");};
    }//end for loop
  }//end buildDecodingBitMap()
  //This method decodes the encoded message from a binary
  // representation to a String of 1 and 0 characters that
  // represent the actual bits in the encoded message.
  // Also, for illustration purposes only, this method
  // may optionally display that String.
  void decodeToBitsAsString(){
    StringBuffer workingBuf = new StringBuffer();

    for(Byte element : binaryEncodedData){
      byte wholeByte = element;
    }//end for-each
    //Convert from StringBuffer to String
    stringDecodedData = workingBuf.toString();
    //For illustration purposes only, enable the following
    // two statements to display the String containing 1
    // and 0 characters that represent the bits in the
    // encoded message.
    System.out.println("nString Decoded Data");
  }//end decodeToBitsAsString
  //This method creates a Huffman decoding table by
  // swapping the keys and the values from the Huffman
  // encoding table received as an incoming parameter by
  // the decode method.
  void buildHuffDecodingTable(){
    Enumeration <Character>enumerator = 
      Character nextKey = enumerator.nextElement();
      String nextString = huffEncodeTable.get(nextKey);
    }//end while
  }//end buildHuffDecodingTable()

  //The method begins with an empty StringBuffer object
  // referred to by the variable named workBuf and another
  // empty StringBuffer object referred to by the variable
  // named output.  The StringBuffer object referred to by
  // output is used to construct the decoded message.  The
  // StringBuffer object referred to by workBuf is used as
  // a temporary holding area for substring data.
  //The method reads the String containing only 1 and 0
  // characters that represent the bits in the encoded
  // message (stringDecodedData).  The characters are read
  // from this string one character at a time.  As each new
  // character is read, it is appended to the StringBuffer
  // object referred to by workBuf.
  //As each new character is appended to the StringBuffer
  // object, a test is performed to determine if the
  // current contents of the StringBuffer object match one
  // of the keys in a lookup table that relates strings
  // representing Huffman bitcodes to characters in the
  // original message.
  //When a match is found, the value  associated with that
  // key is extracted and appended to the StringBuffer
  // object referred to by output.  Thus, the output text
  // is built up one character at a time.
  //Having processed the matching key, A new empty
  // StringBuffer object is instantiated, referred to by
  // workBuf, and the process of reading, appending, and
  // testing for a match is repeated until all of the
  // characters in the string that represents the bits in
  // the encoded message have been processed.  At that
  // point, the StringBuffer object referred to by output
  // contains the entire decoded message.  It is converted
  // to type String and written into the object referred to
  // by decodedData.  Then the method returns with the task
  // of decoding the encoded message having been completed.
  void decodeStringBitsToCharacters(){
    StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer workBuf = new StringBuffer();

    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < stringDecodedData.length();
        workBuf = new StringBuffer();
      }//end if
    }//end for loop
    decodedData = output.toString();
  }//End decodeStringBitsToCharacters();
  //Method to display a String 48 characters to the line.
  void display48(String data){
    for(int cnt = 0;cnt < data.length();cnt += 48){
      if((cnt + 48) < data.length()){
        //Display 48 characters.
        //Display the final line, which may be short.
      }//end else
    }//end for loop
  }//end display48

}//end HuffmanDecoder class

//This class is the abstract superclass of the
// HuffNode and HuffLeaf classes.  Objects instantiated
// from HuffNode and HuffLeaf are populated and used to
// create a Huffman tree.
abstract class HuffTree implements Comparable{

  int frequency;
  public int getFrequency(){
    return frequency;
  }//end getFrequency

  //This method compares this object to an object whose
  // reference is received as an incoming parameter.
  // The method guarantees that sorting processes that
  // depend on this method, such as TreeSet objects, will
  // sort the objects into a definitive order.
  // If the frequency values of the two objects are
  // different, the sort is based on the frequency values.
  // If the frequency values are equal, the objects are
  // sorted based on their relative hashCode values. 
  // Thus, if the same two objects with the same frequency
  // value are compared two or more times during the
  // execution of the program, those two objects will
  // always be sorted into the same order.  There is no
  // chance of an ambiguous tie as to which object
  // should be first except for the case where an object
  // is compared to itself using two references to the
  // same object.
  public int compareTo(Object obj){
    HuffTree theTree = (HuffTree)obj;
    if (frequency == theTree.frequency){
      //The objects are in a tie based on the frequency
      // value.  Return a tiebreaker value based on the
      // relative hashCode values of the two objects.
      return (hashCode() - theTree.hashCode());
      //Return negative or positive as this frequency is
      // less than or greater than the frequency value of
      // the object referred to by the parameter.
      return frequency - theTree.frequency;
    }//end else
  }//end compareTo

}//end HuffTree class

Listing 45


Copyright 2006, Richard G. Baldwin.  Reproduction in whole or in part in any
form or medium without express written permission from Richard Baldwin is

About the author

Richard Baldwin is a
college professor (at Austin Community College in Austin, TX) and private
consultant whose primary focus is a combination of Java, C#, and XML. In
addition to the many platform and/or language independent benefits of Java and
C# applications, he believes that a combination of Java, C#, and XML will become
the primary driving force in the delivery of structured information on the Web.

Richard has participated in numerous consulting projects and he
frequently provides onsite training at the high-tech companies located in and
around Austin, Texas.  He is the author of Baldwin’s Programming
Tutorials, which have gained a
worldwide following among experienced and aspiring programmers. He has also
published articles in JavaPro magazine.

In addition to his programming expertise, Richard has many years of
practical experience in Digital Signal Processing (DSP).  His first job after he
earned his Bachelor’s degree was doing DSP in the Seismic Research Department of
Texas Instruments.  (TI is still a world leader in DSP.)  In the following
years, he applied his programming and DSP expertise to other interesting areas
including sonar and underwater acoustics.

Richard holds an MSEE degree from Southern Methodist University and has
many years of experience in the application of computer technology to real-world

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